Chapter 12: First parental interview

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She walked slowly towards the supermarket, realizing and remembering that after the supermarket there were only villas upon villas. So she was almost surprised that the white villa after the flashy yellow one was Sana's. Most of the time she passed by car to go fencing, her driver always accelerated on that street since it was a neighborhood where cars passed only once every hundred years. Tzuyu didn't think much about it, and with her books in hand and the lunch bag containing the dirty shirt, she stared at the Minatozaki family driveway, also looking at the black-and-white-striped mailbox. The small stone driveway gave the direction to the door of the villa. She wasn't even a little afraid and, as if she were her home, she knocked on the door with the bell specially placed near the latter. It took her a while to hear someone's footsteps stop near the door. The door opened and as she had guessed from the smell, an old Omega but at the same time a young one she brought out an aroma of berries in Tzuyu's throat that she immediately tried to keep standing due to the strong smell. She could also smell Sana's signature caramel scent blossoming through the house in various directions: it must be somewhere with her warmth. The Omega before her looked gentle and frail as the lady brushed her brown hair to one side, glimpsing her plump, puffy cheeks like Sana; genetics worked like this. Then other steps came forward, an Alpha not too tall and not too strong approached the Omega squeezing his hips to name her in front of the latter. The Alpha had dark brown hair and a jaunty cut, they both looked rather sticky, but the Alpha though he looked quite mature, his gaze threatened her existence. "Who are you?" the Alpha asked menacingly as his hands snaked even more around his wife's hips. "Sorry for the inconvenience, I'm a friend of your daughter, Sana. She forgot these books and her dirty shirt," Tzuyu said offering the two to take them. The Omega approached and with a smile on her face took the objects that Tzuyu was holding. "Thank you. Unfortunately Sana has been ill..." "I know about it. I hope she's well," she said still with her serious aura but in her heart she felt a heavy, suffocating pang from not having any more answers from Sana or seeing her again for at least once. "Sana is fine. She IS in her warmth, you know that" said the Omega trying to be as kind as possible. Tzuyu nodded sympathetically, she didn't want to steal any more time from Sana's parents, but time didn't seem to want to help her, as other small steps hurried to arrive from a spiral staircase in front of her. Sana even in a few clothes gave the effect of her. Tzuyu noticed that her smell had increased more than usual and that the shirt she was wearing was nothing but her black sweatshirt. She didn't see anything but that sweatshirt, her feet were bare and on tiptoe she approached her parents as if she wanted to hide but at the same time the murmur of Tzuyu's name was heard between her dry lips. Her loose, protruding sleeves hurried to cover Sana's little face which unlike the other times, looked more fragile and prettier. Maybe it was the effect of the heat, her mother said so too. An Omega becomes even more adorable when her heat comes to try and take advantage of her weakness to attract an Alpha. "Sana..." Tzuyu whispered almost as if she wanted to join her, she wanted to take a step forward but her parents watched her cautiously in the hope that her Alpha would leave. "Tzuyu" the Omega said louder this time moving away from behind her father and walking, obviously crossing the door, towards her Tzuyu who with his hands still on his hips was waiting for a sign from one of Sana's parents to do something. "Thank you... Thank you... Your aroma calms me" said Sana who hesitantly hugged Tzuyu. Sana was quite short and her face collided with Tzuyu's chest who with her racing heart hoped that Sana didn't feel her real emotion when he was with her. She remained cold as her hand touched her head to caress it. "Your aroma is disappearing... I want a new shirt" Sana said unscrupulously. It was obvious that the heat was making Sana's very shy and reserved brain go haywire. "I'll bring you another one tomorrow, Nayeon and Dahyun want to come and visit you" Tzuyu answered dryly remembering Dahyun's final words when she left for his goal. Sana kept dragging her hands over Tzuyu's chest in search of some other smell to take and keep in her nostrils. Tzuyu couldn't resist any more than her: Sana's little nose gave her light caresses on her chest and collarbone giving him a strange sensation of excitement. She took Sana's shoulders as if they were worth her own life in this action, and slowly pushed the Omega away. "Go inside Sana, you'll get something in these conditions" she said still her with her icy expression and her serious and detached tone but her subconscious was almost dying from that girl's cuteness. Sana with a frown on her face snuck inside her and walked towards the stairs still keeping an eye on Tzuyu. "Then it was your smell.." Sana's father murmured in his classic menacing tone. The Omega next to him smiled awkwardly and then said kindly "Thank you for bringing these books and that dirty shirt. Sana has a homework to do in a week and those books were essential for her." Tzuyu sort of nodded her head and in order not to stay any longer and make Sana's parents consume more time she calmly said "I'm going now. I don't want to bother you." She knew that Sana's family was now more worried about her daughter, as well as Sana about her, because of her sudden warmth. He certainly wanted to go towards him and hug her so tightly that she wouldn't move or move from her arms, but Tzuyu had well understood that staying here wasn't the right thing to do. Her nose was already tickling enough from having so much scent in her nostrils and clothes of the Omega in heat. Resisting was something not even he could agree with himself, the impulse to enter and give his full affection to that sweet and lovable Omega was still inside him, but the trust he wanted to place in Sana was stronger than that wild impulse.

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