Marvel- G'iah X Sibling! Reader- (Re)United

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Spoilers for episode 4/5 of Secret Invasion.

"Talos is dead."

The pain you felt upon hearing Nick Fury's words was worse than any pain you'd felt before. Even losing your mother hadn't felt like this, because he had always been there to support you, to listen, to talk and reminisce.

And now there was no one.

Even your sister had left, after calling him a failure.

How could she?

Part of you hoped she knew and felt the pain, and all the guilt that came with her last words to him. But part of you wanted to find her and hug her and let out of the heartache.

"Where's his body?"

The least he deserved was a proper Skrull funeral, not to be left abandoned in the field to rot or for some shady organisation to rip him apart in the name of science.

Once Fury had said everything he needed to say, the phone call you ended. The next day passed in a blur as your body functioned without you really thinking much about anything.

Until you laid eyes on your sister, staring at a mural in an empty place you hadn't been to in years.
"G'iah," you said as you walked towards her.
"What are you doing here?" she asked, furrowing her brow.
"What do you think?" She didn't answer, but as you drew nearer, you both relented the harsh facade and hugged. "I've missed you."
"I know, he said," she whispered. "I... I thought Gravik was right, but..." G'iah pulled away from the hug while she shook her head.
"Well, he did have good points, he just doesn't think any further past them."

Gravik being upset about the lack of progress about them having a home was understandable, you'd been annoyed too, as had G'iah. The difference was, you knew there was very little that could be done to speed things up. Finding a new planet for a race of people wasn't exactly an easy task, and things like Thanos definitely didn't help anything.

"He has a plan, and it's working."
"And then what will he do?" You scoffed. "We might survive a nuclear fallout but what about the nuclear winter? Even then, what about food? nothing will grow here, animals won't be spared from the huge amount of radiation he'll wipe out the humans with." G'iah sighed and you stopped and moved to stand next to her, gazing at the mural in front of her.
"He's gotten powerful." You knew that from what Fury had said. "He's used DNA to enhance himself."
"Just like you."

G'iah stared at you with an open mouth.
"What? Did you think Dad wouldn't tell me how you survived escaping from Gravik?" you asked with a roll of your eyes. You'd been trying to work with your father and Fury and help, of course you would be warned about Super Skrulls. "Do you at least have some cool powers out of it?"
"I haven't exactly had the time to deal with any of that."
"I suppose," you sighed. At least if she did, she'd have some good powers to try to counter Gravik. You needed all the help you could get now.

"I take it Fury didn't tell you a time either?" she asked and you chuckled, shaking your head.
"When does he ever? We could be here all day and all night and he wouldn't give a shit."
"So why are you trying to help him?"
"Like I said, Gravik's plan is stupid. If he had a better plan for us to... have our own country or something, maybe I'd agree with him. But he just uses people to try to get to a stupid end," you said, shrugging. If Gravik didn't prey on your sister and mislead her with what he was doing, maybe you would like him more. But it wasn't just G'iah who he'd manipulated, it was all the Skrulls her age, who barely remembered the Kree attacking them, who didn't know any other life than fleeing to Earth in fear.

"So you do think we deserve our own home?"
"I never said we didn't, G'iah. That's the thing, Dad did either, he just trust Fury a little too much." The older you got, the more you disliked Fury. Using Skrulls without homes as spies with the promise of finding them somewhere to live, which of course, still hadn't materialised. You shoved your hands into your pockets as you walked up to the mural. It was a brilliant work of art, even if parts of it was chipped and flaking off. "I wanted us to have a home, so we could all be a happy family, with mom and dad, but Gravik killed our mother, now he's killed our father and he's tried to kill you. I'm not convinced he does care that he's killed the very person who helped thousands and thousands of Skrulls escape violence. I'm not even convinced nuclear war between the humans is his plan because it's such a stupid plan."

"What do you think it is?" G'iah asked. "He's making Super Skrulls to fight people with, do you think it's something to do with that?"
You shrugged as you turned to look at her. "It has to be." You couldn't think of anything else, and you were in no place to brainstorm ideas on what Gravik's plan really was, you were going to leave that to Fury since he was so determined to fix it all himself.
"So wha"

Both of you hear the echoing footsteps. Fury. Thankfully, you weren't waiting too long for him.
"United?" G'iah asked and you grinned and you moved to stand next to your little sister.
"Of course," you responded. Regardless of your arguments, your petty differences, at the heart of it all, you both wanted to same thing. Right now, that thing was to bury your father. Maybe after that, you'd both want to stop Gravik, but family always came first.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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