Star Trek- Chekov x Half-Vulcan!Reader- Keptin?

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Kirk sat laughing next to a smiling Doctor and a straight-faced pointy - eared Vulcan.
"Vhat's so funny? Keptin? Keptin?" When Chekov got laughter as a reply, he stood up and made his way over to you.
"What are they laughing about?" you asked.
"I don't knov. Ve Keptin von't tell me," Chekov answered.

"McCoy?" you asked.
"Yes (Y/n)?"
"Kirk isn't trying to play matchmaker is he? I mean, you know what happened before." You both shuddered at Uhura and Spock on a "date".

Later, in engineering, Chekov was sent down to give Scotty some help.
"(Y/n) come over here!" shouted Scotty. "You and Chekov are wanted by Jim." you groaned.

Once you and Chekov got to the bridge, Jim sat in his chair, leaned back and began to eat an apple.
"Here's the two lovebirds," you groaned and facepalmed.
"I hate you," you announced.
"I love you too," Kirk replied. You walked up to Kirk and slapped him.
"That hurt!" Kirk rubbed his cheek.
"Its going to!" you snapped.

With a stern look on your face, you walked over to Uhura who suppressed a groan.
"I have been emotionally compromised, please state the time and date in the log book." You walked off the bridge, leaving Kirk in shock at the slap.

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