Sherlock- Sherlock X Reader- Car Crash

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You had moved into 21B Baker Street not too long after John and Mary had married. Mrs Hudson found it a great idea that Sherlock would have more company and you had to agree after spending a few days at your new shared flat.

You quickly learned to avoid the more treacherous parts of the kitchen, with eyeballs and various other body parts everywhere. And while Sherlock could be a strange person to live with, you were glad he didn’t hate you. According to Mrs Hudson, it was quite the opposite.

“Sherlock! It’s snowing!” You gasped as you peeked outside and then threw the curtains open. You turned to see Sherlock staring at you blankly and you sighed. “Don’t tell me you don’t like snow.”
“No…” he said slowly and you raised your eyebrows. That sounded suspicious. “I’m just not as fascinated by it as others are.”
“Right, so if I said I’m going to get dressed and then go for a walk,” you started with a hopeful smile. “Would you like to join me?”

While Sherlock wore his usual coat and scarf, you were wrapped up warmly and happily treading through the tiny patches of untouched snow. It had started snowing again and Sherlock had snowflakes in his hair. You smiled at him and then looked down at the snow. He didn’t really love anyone, not in a romantic way, but you were happy with just being friends despite any ridiculous ideas otherwise.

“John and Mary are doing well,” you said, not able to think of anything else to say. “Even with the pregnancy and everything.”
“It seems so,” Sherlock agreed.
“So, um…” You trailed off, feeling awkward. What could you even say? He hadn’t been taking on many cases recently so there wasn’t even that to talk about.

“Mrs Hudson seems to think you like me,” you blurted out.
“She thinks a lot of things.”
“I mean, she also thought that about you and John I’m fairly sure,” you said. Admittedly, you could see why Mrs Hudson had thought that and you weren’t entirely sure if they had been dating or not since it wasn’t something Sherlock was likely to admit. It seemed weird to ask John now he was married. Sherlock didn’t say anything to deny or confirm that he and John had dated. He didn’t say anything at all.

An idea forming in your head, you stopped to grab some snow and form a snowball. Sherlock had continued walking down the path.
“(Y/n),” he started. As he turned to look at you, you threw the snowball and hit his cheek. The shock on his face was hilarious, at least to you, and was too busy laughing to notice he had quickly made his own snowball.

It hit you in the middle of your chest and Sherlock smiled slightly and you grabbed more snow to hurl at him. Ducking to avoid the snowball, your feet slipped on a patch of ice beneath you. You landed on your arm awkwardly and swore as you stood up. Sherlock started walking towards you but you smiled and waved it off.
“I’m fine,” you said as you stood up, even though your arm did feel a little strange.

And then, within a few seconds, you heard Sherlock shout your name and then saw the sky and a bright red car.

Groaning, you lifted your head slightly to see Sherlock kneeling down next to you.
“Yes, look at me, (Y/n),” he said. Your eyes met his.
“A car hit you, the driver is calling an ambulance,” he said. “You will be alright.” Sherlock was a genius, he had to be right, didn't he? He was rarely wrong, but what if this was one of the times he was wrong?

Sherlock had his phone in his hand and then stuffed it into his pocket. You tried taking a deep breath in but all there was were stabbing pains.
“It hurts to breath, Sherlock,” you whispered and you could just see the corners of his mouth drop slightly.
“It will be alright,” he repeated and he took your hand. “You’re in shock, the pain will set in soon but the ambulance is on its way. It should be here soon.” Usually he had exact numbers.

You felt tears in your eyes as you accidentally took another deep breath.
“It hurts.”
“Everything will be alright.” Then you realised, he was panicking. He only did this when it was really bad.
“It doesn't seem like it.”
“It will,” he said. He placed his hand on your cheek. “I’ll make sure of it, because I love you.”

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