" I love you my little fairy...", he whispered out, and I knew I couldn't save him.

" I love you too....dad.", I said, as he gave me a smile, as tears flew from his eyes; finally closing them forever.

And then I ran, I ran far away, and saw the car explode, leaving me sobbing on the middle of the road, screaming in pain.

Back to the Present:

It was then, when I realized, I was really a curse. I was waiting to call him my dad, see his reaction, because he earned that position. I wanted to forget I was an orphan, give them a chance, give my life a chance.

But life proved me; I was an orphan. The happiness that reflected his eyes when I called him dad, even when he was on the verge of dying told me how happy he felt. I wish I could have called him dad earlier. I wish we could've made more memories.

I wish I wouldn't have been so adamant for going on a ride that day...

If only I could go back in time and change everything. Why didn't I die that day. I wish I could have died along with them, but they saved me. They fulfilled their responsibility as parents even when they were dying, I failed even when I am alive. I failed as a daughter. After what they did for me, I repayed them by being responsible for their death. And I will always be responsible for it.

After that day, Subham uncle's brother, Daksh, became my legal guardian. The person who abused me from the first day he entered my life till the day I ran away from him.

He was a sadist. He abused his wife, and when he got my guardianship, his wife pushed me in front of him to torture me. Though she apologized everytime and treated my wounds, that still didn't justify her actions.

I was a very rebellious kid, I used to scream at him; ask him why he was doing it. But he would never answer, he would just continue hitting me harder. But the day he answered my question, left me ceasing my efforts to defend myself; he was punishing me, for killing his brother.

He was a liar, but he never lied to me about that particular reason. He absolutely loved his brother, he loved him too much. And that made me drown in guilt, for I was the reason he lost his brother. So after that day, I never defended myself, just took every punishment silently.

An year later, when I was four, his wife ran away. And I also tried to do so, after she succeeded; thinking I would be able to escape him.

Oh how wrong was I.

When he found me out, he locked me in an underground cell. That was the last time I saw myself in a mirror. He had chained my wrists and ankles to the wall, and guess what, he filed a missing complaint against me. This way, the inspectors from the child services would never have to come and inspect my living conditions. And he just vanished; leaving me with them.

His sons, Nikhil and Neel...

They were my supposed brothers. And they were the ones who broke me; completely. They were the ones who had tortured me on hours end, abusing me, starving me, molesting me. They never raped me, but the humiliation and degradation I felt when they molested me, used me for their pleasure, always haunted me.

They controlled me, they crushed my rebellion, my confidence and my voice in just an year, I was five that time. That was the last time I spoke, and probably the last time I ever will.

The tortured me until a week before I escaped from Daksh. I had returned to the house where my guardian lived just a week before I knocked two people down and ran away.

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