"You worked for the Gazette, yeah?"

Start from the beginning

"Whatever! He's too nerdy for me anyway."

"Oh wow!" I laugh

"We're getting off topic!! What's the piece about?"

"Oh... I have to interview Jerome Valeska..." I gulp

Immediately the nerves start flooding my body at the mere thought of the criminal.

"Oh wait! Isn't he the one who killed his mom?? The circus boy!"

"Yeah, him."

"He's hot as fuck! Please tell him that for me." Mandy snickers

"You're such a whore! Oh my gosh! I am going to meet a deranged criminal and you want me to tell him you think he's hot?!" I giggle at my best friend

"Fuck yeah!" She laughs

"Get out,I'm trying to relax in here!" I laugh through my nose.

I hear Mandy laugh and head out of the bathroom. I chuckle to myself and bathe until the hot water starts to get cold. I wrap my towel around myself and head to my room to get dressed and ready. I wonder how long I'm going to have to do this interview... Am I supposed to be in there alone with him or will I have protection? What should I wear? I don't want to be super formal... but I don't want to come off as some college girl either.

"Hmm... what to wear, what to wear..."

"Stop muttering to yourself weirdo... I already picked something out for you." Mandy says walking in.

"You did? Why?"

I look on my bed and sure enough, an outfit sits on the corner. A nice pair of Khaki form fitted pants, with a black tank top, and a black leather jacket. Not super formal but presentable.

"I love it!" I smile

"I know! You never go anywhere without your leather jacket, so I made sure it was work appropriate." Mandy winks

I quickly get dressed before starting on my hair, and I wasn't about to go the extra mile on it so I just left it alone. I have pin straight hair, much to my dismay, and I just let it do its thing. I work on a smidge of makeup to seem more business woman and smile at myself once I'm done. Just a touch of eyeliner on my water line, mascara, white liner on the corner of my eyes, and some lip gloss always works. I grab my combat boots from the closet and shove my feet in them before grabbing my laptop bag and filling it with my essentials.





"Four different pens?"

"Check, plus a pencil."



"Okay! You're good! Just make sure you don't forget your water. I hear Arkham has disgusting water." Mandy whispers

"Ew!" I crinkle my nose and hug her goodbye.

"I should be home by dinner... If I'm not, just go ahead and eat without me." I smile before locking up and running down the hall.

Would Jerome even be up for an interview? Will he be respectful? Probably not... Ugh I cannot wait to get this over with.

I look up at the massive iron gates with the Arkham Asylum in the middle before the extremely long road to the entrance as I drive up. Goosebumps liter my arms and legs as I put my car in park and grab my laptop bag and water bottle. I gulp the nerves down and walk up the few stairs to get inside and make it quick because it's about to start raining and I do not plan on getting wet.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2023 ⏰

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