B i l a n g LI

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The following chapter may contain vulgar words and violence that may bring discomfort to the readers.

I left the Palace and went back to Simouniés Mansion.

There, I saw the nervous Imiélda walking back and forth on the living room alone.

When she noticed my presence, she immediately went to me.

"W-why are you alone? Where is the Duke? My child.. where is my child, my Amiel?" She asked panicking. I held both of her shoulders and gave her an assuring smile.

Seems like she's didn't get it and she's still trembling.

"The Emperor will be here soon--"

"What do you mean?!" She asked in panic.

"Kale did it." I smiled. "Amiel is safe." I whispered. "Do you wanna become the palace head maid?" I asked trying to comfort her but she fell on the ground.

I immediately catch her, we went down together. When I saw her face, it's full of tears.

"Oh God.." She said. "I'm glad." My eyes widened when she pulled me closer and embrace me.

So tight.. this familiar hug is so comforting. Makes me wanna stay in her comfort forever.

"I'm glad." She whispered once again. "So glad.." She cried more.

"Since the Emperor will be arriving, I have to prepare the basement." I said.

"What for?" She asked with wide eyes. I smiled.

"Don't you wanna know who killed your friend?"

"Iñigo.. the late Duke?" I nodded. She smiled at me.

"Please call Unos, Dos, and Tres." I said as we stood up together. "I need them at the basement."

When I went to the basement, the three is already there, with the special guest.

"Hi Tzatza!" Dos greeted me while tying the hand on the Emperor.

I sit on the center and watch the table full of equipment.

"Is he awake?" I asked.

"He is."

"Why isn't he talking?" I asked.

"Hey talk!" Tres slap the head of the Emperor, he look at me.

His eyes were red, his face is damp, probably because of the tears he has shed.

"Please tell me where my son is.." He peaded.

"I've already told you.." I stood up.

"No!" He laughed mockingly. "My eyes.. my best creation.." He cried. "The only thing I've made right."

"That's not why I brought you here." I said and stood up.

"What else would you bring me here? Just kill me already!"

"I wanna know.." I pause and showed him the knife. "I wanna know who killed Iñigo." The Emperor paused.

"Iñigo.. my poor brother." He said. The annoyance got me, The knife I'm holding went straight to his leg. "A-ah!" How dare he pity Iñigo? "I'm bleeding!" I left the knife on his leg.

I saw Tres gulp, while Dos took a step back, they must be shock, but they didn't run.

"Who poisoned Iñigo?!" I asked louder. He shook his head.

"Why Iñigo? Triton asked you to do this? I thought Y-you were a mere slut.." He laughed. "Did you bed Iñigo too?" He asked. I see, he has more strength.

I motioned Uno to walk towards the table. I pointed the knife.

"On his other leg." I commanded. Unos looked at the knife first before slowly going to the Emperor.

"How dare Y-you?! Do y-you know who am--I-Ah!" Unos stabbed the other. Instead of cries, I heard laughs from the Emperor.

"Is this how its going to b-be?" He asked losing his breathes. "It wasn't m-me who poisoned Iñigo." He looked at me with a smirk on his face that annoys me so much."B-but I know w-who was behind that."

"Tell me before I end your life."

"Why would I? My life already ended w-when you took my son? I'd rath..be tortured here than s-say anything and die." I rolled my eyes. "I w-wanna watch you live in anxit-y"

"Is that so?" I asked. He's really not willing to speak. But I'm certain, he aint lying.

I know when a human is lying. I've master the art of it..

or maybe it's because I'm a Diwata that I know everything.

"Treat his wound." I said. "When it heals a little, stab it again until he speaks." Like what those wizards did to me.. So amazed that I can heal myself faster so they wound me again and again until I can no longer heal myself--I chose not to heal myself just so they would stop.

I clenched my fist with the thought of the past.

That's all I can do for now.

We may have all the time in the world but the person who poisoned Iñigo and tried to poison Kale is still out there.

He targeted the Simouniés, meaning they know that this day will come, the day where Kale forcefully took the throne..

But Kale might live in anxiety thinking that his father's killer is still out there and his life is in danger like what this human said.

"But who is he Tzatza?" Dos asked, he's holding the knife moving it to the leg of the Emperor, making the Emperor suffers more. I smiled at him.

"He was the Emperor--"

"Ah! D-damn it! It hurts..s!"

"What?" Dos asked in shocked, too shocked that the knife went deeper to the legs.

I laughed.

"Well, not anymore. Kale is the new Emperor." I giggled.

"Then you will be the Empress?" Unos asked. The thought of being Kale's Empress excites me, but there's also this thought that I will have a title same as these humans.

But the title will only belong to me, that's what I understand. Kale's Empress.

"Gosh!" I laughed and even clap my hands. "Please don't make me blush!" I giggled more holding both of my cheeks.

"Ngi.." Dos moved to Tres. "Does she think she looks cute acting like that? She has bloods on her hand while acting cute.." I didn't hear what Dos whispered to Tres.

"Congrats Tzatza!" Unos sad while pulling out the knife from the other legs.

"H-hurts!" Hinihingal na sigaw ng Emperor.

Why isn't he begging to die after hearing what that I will torture him until he speaks.

Does he think that person will save him? The one who killed Iñigo?

I shook my head.

"I'll be going!" I waved. "Take care of him!"

When I went out of the basement my thoughts came..

We have time.. the time is in our hand, but how long will it take me fo catch the killer?

I made one mistake and it affected my plan.


I look up at the moon.

I wanna see Kale.


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