comfort food

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It took Jisung only a few days until he got better, and he swore it was because of Minho.

"If he wouldn't have made me his homemade tomato soup and broth noodles, I would've died eventually. I swear he put something in it, it gave me life Bin. Hyunjin would've thrown an apple at me probably."

"I would not Han Jisung and you know that."

"You wouldn't even get close to me, screaming from outside of the door. Fucker."

Hyunjin shook his head. "Just because I don't want to get sick does not mean i'd let you die."

"Jisung gets special treatment from Minho." Chan rolled his eyes and turned to Jisung. "You are just used to privileges." He dug his finger into Jisungs chest.

"You're really blessed to have someone like Minho." Changbin leaned back on the couch, resting his arms on the headrest, one of them coming over Chans shoulder, who now sat down next to him.

Jisungs eyebrows furrowed. "Out of nowhere?"

Changbin shook his head. "Just saying, I personally would not cook you stuff every time you're over, for example."

"He's just better than you."

"I remember thinking Minho hated me after we first met." Hyunjin laughed. "He seemed so cold, and he didn't really talk to me that much. But then during finals season me and Jisung were totally stressed out and Minho had cooked for us both and had actually brought over my favourite drink for me. I was so surprised he knew it."

"Minho always notices the small things. He had bought me new headphones after I had complained once about them." Chan spoke.

Jisungs lips curled up, he was glad his friends liked Minho so much.

At first he had been worried about his and Minhos friend group merging, but it couldn't have become better.

"I feel warm around him, and relaxed. His presence really helps me relax." Jisung nodded as the words travelled over his lips.

"Do you guys talk like this about me too when i'm not here?"

Everyone broke out into laughter.


"No, usually we talk about how much of a pain in the ass you are."

"Don't worry Bin, we all love you aswell." Chan clung on to Changins arm, holding him back from jumping up and attacking Jisung.

"Thank you." He grumbled, slumping into Chans side.

They heard how the front door flew open.

Minho kicked his shoes off in the hallway, hair messy and plastic bags in his hand. "I think I bought a bit too much. I brought my new co worker aswell, I hope y'all don't mind and if you do please shut up."

Everyone knew about it already and had agreed to it, because Minho asked in the groupchat before.

All of them stood up, ready to greet that said person.

Jeongin trotted in behind Minho, another round of plastic bags in his hands.

"Hi guys, nice to meet you, i'm Jeongin." He bowed slightly, smiling warmly into the group of men.

"Oh he is such a cutie."

"RIGHT???" Felix held on to Seungmin, who came in last and shut the door behind him.

"Lix almost squealed when we met him, wondered why i'm in a relationship with him." Seungmin scoffed. "OUCH DON'T KICK ME."

"You love me." Felix rolled his eyes, then watched how everyone came up to give Jeongin a handshake.

The youngest was obviously nervous, and a bit startled with all the attention on him.

"Feel at home Jeongin." Minho patted the others back.

Jeongin was a bit overwhelmed, he had just started considering Minho a friend and now suddenly he was already meeting the olders friends.

"It's not even your home."

"Shut the fuck up."

Soon the whole apartment started smelling like stew, meat and roasted onions. Minho cooking everything with the help of Seungmin, Felix taking the dishes out of the cabinet and Chan getting drinks from the balcony. Where they stored their extra drinks during the colder season.

Now that the temperatures were dropping drastically it meant additional fridge space, just perfect for their large group.

"The leaves are starting to fall." Seungmin was staring outside of the balcony from where he just plopped down next to Felix, leaving the rest of the cooking to Minho. Jeongin had offered to help, so he gladly swapped.

Felix immediately opened his arms, and Seungmin just got comfortable leaning close.

"Guys lets party this weekend, we need to go while it is not too cold yet. Else we will be freezing in the queue." Changbin proposed.

"Remember last year, Jisung had drunk so much during the waiting time that he and Minho had to search for a toilet for him while we all didn't feel our fingers."

"Poor Minho had to go again."

"Yes, poor me." Minho sighed, starting to scoop rice into bowls.

"It wasn't that bad." Jisung rolled his eyes, taking some of the bowls to place them around the table.

Minho raised his eyebrows.

"No really."

"You almost pissed all over yourself because you couldn't stand straight. And complained how your dick will freeze off."

"Notice how you said almost, I didn't and that's all that matters."

"Idiot." Minho muttered underneath his breath.

When he turned to the table he was face to face with Jisung, hot breath hitting his face. "Who are you calling idiot?"

"You." Minho bore his finger into Jisungs chest, then pushed him away. "Get out of the way or you'll have a third degree burn from my stew. Sit down Jisungie." He gently patted the space on his chest where he pushed, forcing his hand away again after getting a second of Jisungs chest muscles.

The stew was steaming.

"Oh, isn't that pure comfort? Hot stew made by Min during the cold fall days. Gosh I love it." Felix sighed, smelling his bowl Minho had just added the soup to, topped with meat and veggies.

"Best thing ever." Jisung hummed, cheeks stuffed full.

"Slowly Sungie." Minho giggled while sitting down after everyone was served.

- Burning Desire - MinsungTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang