Expired Milk

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"Yes Minnie?" Jisungs tone was way too sweet for Minhos liking.

"I SWEAR TO GOD DON'T HYUNJIN AND YOU CHECK THE MILK. YOU ARE PUTTING MANY LIFES AT RISK WITH THIS GODDAMN ROTTEN SHIT. GOSH." Minho gagged loudly as the smell invaded his nose again. He held it away as far as he could, continuing to gag.

Jisung entered the kitchen, laughing hard as he saw Minho with the milk they maybe had forgotten in the fridge for some time.

A long time, if he thinks about it.

A man entered behind him, tall, lean figure with long, pulled back blonde hair. Hyunjin. He joined Jisungs laughter, and Minho shot daggers through his eyes.

"I'm sorry Min." Jisung wiped away the tears that had escaped from his eyes from laughing.

"NO FUCK OFF, TAKE THIS THING OUT OF THE APARTMENT NOW!" Jisung took it out of Minhos hand, starting to giggle again as he walked out of the kitchen.

"Jeez Minho." Hyunjin looked at Minho, who was holding himself up on the counter.

"Shut up Hyunjin, I almost put this on my cereal. Gosh I hate it here." He pinched the bridge of his nose.

After Jisung had decided to move in with Hyunjin, the guy he had first hated when they started the first year of university, Minho regularly had the urge to clean every time he entered their apartment.

While Jisung chose to study music, Hyunjin studying art but sharing a few subjects with him, Minho had decided to start working at the flower shop in their city.

He liked the independence it gave him, he had moved out a year before Jisung did. Currently he was sharing the flat with his friend from school, Felix.

The younger was initially in Jisungs grade, but actually took dance class with Minho which was how they connected.

And Felix was so easy to live with, most of the times he wasn't even home. He stayed at his boyfriends really often, and when he was home he only filled the room with pure sunshine. Plus he was neat.

Jisung and Hyunjin definitely weren't.

Minho poured the cereal back into the box, just choosing to get an apple from the counter. Still he inspected it quickly before biting into it.

He felt someone press up against him from behind. "I'm sorry Minnie, forgive us please?" Jisung mumbled into his neck.

Minho could hear the surpressed chuckle and rolled his eyes, pushing down the butterflies that made his stomach turn.

"Fuck off." He grumbled, pushing the younger away. "I hate you both."

Jisung flopped down on the couch in the living room. "You and I both know that's not true, come here now." They had an open kitchen, so Minho could clearly see Jisung patting on the spot next to him. He knew Jisung wanted him to join so they could watch a series together they had started.

It was why Minho even was at their apartment. Right after he had woken up he had gotten flodded by messages from Jisung to come watch Netflix with him. And after Minho had grumbled into his pillow and didn't answer, Jisung had called him until he had picked up and agreed.

In the time Minho finally got to the couch the younger had already pulled out his phone, typing something in it.

"Which chick are you texting now?" Minho asked as he got comfortable.

"Who says i'm texting some girl?" Jisung huffed, but the smirk he sported proved Minho right.

"You always are Ji, I know you. You don't text anyone except for me and girls you want to fuck." Minho could feel his gut twisting a bit. A feeling he always got when they talked about the girls Jisung was texting with. He chose to ignore it.

Or atleast he tried to ignore it.

"Hey I also text Bin and Chan." Jisung pouted, but turned off his phone to instead grab the tv remote.

"No, they text you and you just show up."

Jisung sighed defeated. He turned a bit to rest his legs over Minhos lap, adjusting the pillow behind him to support his neck.

Hyunjin sat down on the other couch they had, Jisung had insisted on two for when their whole friend group came together.

"He's right Jisung, you suck at texting." Hyunjin grabbed the chips he had taken with him and started munching on them.

"Why are you teaming up against me? You're just mad i'm getting laid and you don't." He stuck his tongue out at them.

"And how would you know huh?" Minho raised his eyebrow at him, a challenging smirk on his lips.

"Minnie, you literally called me to pick you up from your date last weekend. And then you proceeded to sulk on my couch and eat ice cream." Jisung laughed as he watched the smirk disappear.

"That guy was weird. He made comments about my body the whole time." Minho shifted a bit, clenching his jaw as he thought about it again.

"I'm still mad you didn't tell me that before we were home, I would've beaten him up." Jisung sighed.

Minho patted Jisungs leg. "That is exactly why I didn't tell you Sung."

"He was ugly anyways." Hyunjin threw in. "When you showed me his Instagram I almost threw up."

"Best thing is, he insisted that he looks better in person and just doesn't have good pictures."

Both Hyunjin and Jisung were giggling, while Minho rolled his eyes. "I had hopes okay? Now why isn't the series playing yet." He snatched the remote from Jisungs hand and clicked play.

Immediately both were quiet, focusing their attention on to the tv.

Halfway through the episode Minho found himself with Jisungs head in his lap, softly brushing the hair back.

He knew Jisung was almost asleep, he couldn't help staring down at him with a soft smile, the show long forgotten.

Minho hated how adorable Jisung could be.

Jisung and Minho, presence, age 20 and 22

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