Cockblock (literally)

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Maybe he should've thought about it twice. Now he was stuck in a disgustingly smelly night club, a couple next to him and Jisung long gone. So basically, he was thirdwheeling AND watching the guy he liked hit on other girls.

What a fun way to spend the night.

He was on his third drink already, sipping the bittersweet liquid through the straw, watching others around him.

Seungmin and Felix tried their best to include him fully, he had to give them credits for that. Felix even pulled him on to the dance floor, dancing with him while Seungmin stayed at the bar, watching over their drinks.

It loosened him up, Felix and him had always danced together in classes and now they were swaying carelessly to the beat of the music that was blasting way too loudly. That was what he liked the most, dance had always been his passion. It made him feel more alive.

"Do you mind sharing this cutie here for a second?" A taller guy spoke to Felix, hand gently placed on Minhos shoulder.

Perhaps the night would still have a good outcome.

Minho chuckled at the wink the man sent him as he pulled him more to the center. Felix walking back to Seungmin.

Immediately there was a difference in their dancing. The guy behind Minho, Minho pressing his back into his chest and moving his hips intentionally. The air felt a little thicker, tension heavier.

He had men weak on their knees with his dancing, and he knew that. Maybe he liked to take advantage of it.

But how did he end up right next to Jisung? He internally rolled his eyes, it really wasn't his lucky day today. He saw the younger swaying around with a girl, grinning while doing so. Of course the universe wouldn't let him have a moment of not thinking about the other.

He cursed the universe.

Their eyes met, and all of Minhos blood rushed south as he saw Jisungs blown pupils locked on him. Maybe Minho had drunk too much already, but he could swear Jisung was looking at him hungrily, never leaving his eyes.

Another fuck you to the universe, at this point he was imagining things.

And then Jisung was in front of him, away from the girl that just had her ass pressed against him.

"Min." He held his hand out, and Minho knew it wasn't a question by his tone. He knew Jisung.

"C'mon you're really going to leave me for that dude?" The guy leaned down to breathe into Minhos neck. There he left a small peck, barely touching his skin, trying to convince Minho to stay. He got goosebumps.

"Sorry, he is-" Minho tried to apologize to the guy.

"Get your fingers off of him now." Jisungs voice was deeper, rough.

The guy didn't, waiting for Minho.

"Ji, what's your prob-"

"What are you not understanding, get the fuck away!" Jisung raised his voice, stepping closer.

"Chill dude, if you want him that bad. Maybe next time angel." The guy left another peck on Minhos skin, this time his cheek, and Minho knew it was to agitate Jisung. Which worked, Jisungs fists were balled up and his jaw clenched. As soon as the guy peeled himself off of Minho Jisung pulled him close.

"What was that Han Jisung?" Minho hissed.

"What? You planned to fuck him?" Jisung scoffed.

"And what if?" He couldn't help but be annoyed, he could've gotten laid if it wasn't for Jisung interrupting for whatever reason.

Which brings him to-

"Now why the fuck did you do that?"

Minho felt Jisung move him into the same position he was in earlier with the other guy, an arm sneaking around his waist to hold him tight. But he knew it wasn't with the same intention.

"He was ugly anyways, you deserve better Min."

"First off, you and I both know he wasn't. Second, and?? It's my business who I want to fuck, not yours." Minho felt like slapping his best friend right there and leaving the club.

He just wanted to go home now. He was mad at himself for the tears brimming in his eyes, blaming it on the alcohol. He blinked them away.

"I'm your best friend, I have to look out for you."

"This is exactly why I don't club with you." Minho gritted out, trying to step out of Jisungs grip.

But the younger held him close. "You love me anyways." Jisung sing songed and Minho almost snapped if it wasn't for-

"Hey Ji! Hi Minho." A familiar voice called out, Minho whipping his head around and after some time finally spotting who was behind it.

The brown curly mop of hair was the first thing in sight, and then the sweet smile.

"Channie!" Even though he was one of Jisungs friends, Minho jumped away to greet him first in a tight hug, using the opportunity to escape.

And of course another figure was right behind Chan. Minho could hear Jisung greet the other.

There wasn't a day were the two weren't with each other, stuck together like glue.

"Hey Changbin." Minho hugged the younger aswell.

They fell into a light conversation, Felix and Seungmin joining them from their place at the bar after a few minutes.

Minho made a point to bluntly ignore Jisung whenever he directed a question to him or tried to talk to him directly, he swiftly changed topics and engaged in another discussion. Minho wasn't just a bit sad, he was furious.

Who does he think he is to tell me who I can fuck or not??

The question nagged at the back of his mind, threatening to light a fire if he looked at Jisung too long.

Alcohol always made him a bit sensitive, there had been incidents where he had almost cried on the Streets because he saw a stray cat and couldn't take it home right away. Or when he had the most heated argument with Seungmin, which could've ended in a fight if it wasn't for the other calming fast.

So the possibility of him slapping Jisung was small, but not zero.

"Minho?" Felix gentle voice startled him.


"You zoned out a bit." Felix smile was comforting, showing empathy, Minho didn't even know for what. "Do you want to go home?"

Minho felt defeated, shoulders sagging down as he nodded.

Jisung was laughing loudly with Changbin and Chan, Seungmin chuckling slightly aswell.

"It's okay Minho, I am tired too, let's go." Felix arm wrapped around him carefully. And only now he noticed how heavy his body felt.

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