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Minho knocked on his door softly.

"Go away." He heard a muffle coming out of the room and the sound of blankets rustling. Jisung was probably shuffling around in his bed.

"You know i'm not doing that, can I come in?"

No answer.

So Minho pushed down the doorhandle, carefully stepping into Jisungs room. It was obvious Jisung had neglected it. Ever since his relationship had started going downhill his room had suffered from it too, but Minho never called him out on it. He didn't mind.

And now Minho had gotten a text from Jisung 15 minutes ago and had run over to Jisung as fast as he could.

He was slightly panting. He was wondering whether Jisung would even notice.

Carefully he stepped over the clothes that were splattered out on the floor. He sat down on Jisungs bed, Jisung turning to face him as he felt the mattress sinking down. Minhos heart broke a little when he saw Jisungs red, swollen eyes and the tear stains on his puffy cheeks.

"Sungie." Minho sighed, gently wiping the stains away. "You must feel horrible."

"Why would she cheat on me? Why couldn't she just break up with me." A quiet sob ripped out of his chest. Minho couldn't do anything more than caress Jisungs cheek in a comforting way.

He knew better than to say "She's not worth it." He knew his best friend was going through his first heartbreak. So all he wanted to do was make him feel okay.

"I don't know Sung. I do know that you don't deserve that."

"Am I not good enough Minho?" The fact that Jisung didn't even use his nickname made Minho feel even worse. He almost teared up himself.

"You are enough Jisung. More than enough. Just not everybody sees how truly amazing you are. We have been friends since we were little and I really have never met someone as nice, funny and beautiful as you."

"Ew why so sulky now." Jisungs face scrunched up in disgust.

"Here is my Jisungieeee I already started to miss him." Minho laughed and slapped Jisungs shoulder slightly.

"Come on now, lets get you out of this mess." Minho got up and started collecting the dishes that had piled up on Jisungs nightstand and desk.

"NO MINHO STOP!" Jisung screamed after him.

But he knew he couldn't stop him. And when Minho came back he smiled softly at Jisung.

"I'm going to help you now, you don't have to be ashamed, it's okay." Now he was picking up Jisungs clothes. "Clean or not?"

"None really are, the clean ones are on my table." Jisung sat up, wrapping the blanket around himself. He still didn't feel good. But he felt better.

Soon the room began to clear up, after a bit Jisung had joined Minho and they were singing along to a playlist Minho had put on.

"Thank you Min, what would I do without you." Jisung leaned against Minho, placing his head on to Minhos shoulder. He felt Minhos arms wrap around him.

"Who is the sulky one now." Minho giggled softly, caressing Jisungs back. "I saw that your mom isn't here, want me to stay over? I'm going to make you some good food now, I bet you haven't eaten properly yet." Without waiting for an answer Minho slowly pulled away from the hug and took Jisungs hand to drag him to the kitchen.

Jisung sat down at the dinner table, he knew he was no help at cooking. He rather would lean back and watch Minho do it. He had picked up one or the other thing by that, but he wouldn't admit that to Minho.

And Minho wouldn't be Minho if he didn't make Jisungs current favourite meal, it switched almost every week.

Especially when Minho tried to cook something new and invited Jisung over to eat dinner with him and his mother. Every time Jisung swore he had never eaten anything better and had found his new favourite meal. He would praise Minho for it the whole evening. Minhos mother always joined him, proud of her sons developing passion for cooking.

And every time Minhos ears burned red, nobody spoke about it.

So Minho was currently trying his best to make a fresh tomato sauce as the Pasta was boiling. He felt Jisungs gaze on his back and smiled to himself.

"Jisungie, would you mind setting the table?" He asked softly.

"Can we eat infront of the tv Minnie? I want to watch a movie." Jisungs voice was quiet.

"Sure, Howls moving castle?" Minho walked over to the sink with the steaming pot to drain the pasta.

"Yes please." He saw Jisung bouncing up and down on his chair.

He didn't point out that they had watched the same movie 5 times already in the last month.

As long as Jisung felt better he'd watch it over and over again.

"Mhm, go get everything ready and put it on." Jisung immediately sprung up and sprinted away.

As Minho finished cooking and filled their bowls up with pasta and the fresh sauce, making sure to also get the parmesan, he already heard the intro of the movie playing.

He sat down on the ground next to Jisung in the living room, putting everything on to the small coffee table in front of them.

They didn't talk anymore, just ate in silence. After they had finished Minho got up to take out the dishes and quickly cleaned up the kitchen before joining Jisung again, who had now moved up to the couch.

"Thank you Minnie really." Jisung leaned on to Minhos shoulder, sighing as the last bit of tension finally fell off of him.

"That is what i'm here for Sungie, relax now, your favourite scene will come on in a bit." He patted Jisungs head, focusing his attention back to the tv.

Jisung stayed close to Minho during the whole movie, and eventually fell asleep in the last five minutes, snoring quietly into Minhos arm. His head had dropped, and Minho could feel the drool soaking his sleeve slowly.

He ignored the flutter in his heart.

Jisung and Minho, age 17 and 19

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