Awkward nights and mornings

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"If you don't get your sweaty ass off the bed and change in 5 seconds i'm going to let you sleep on the floor." Minho raised his fingers, pressing it into Jisungs chest.

"You wouldn't do that." Jisung gasped, head lolling back.

"Oh I would, you're killing me and my cats with that smell. Alcohol cigarettes and sweat. GO CHANGE." Minho started shoving Jisung down, who had made himself comfortable on Minhos bed.

"Minnnnn leave me aloneeeeeee." Jisung whined.

A long sigh left Minhos lips, defeated he leant back. "I guess you're sleeping on the floor then." He shrugged.

"NOO-" Jisung got cut off by Minhos hand covering his mouth.

"Are you fucking insane?? The others are sleeping you idiot." Minho grumbled, then got under the covers, giving up the fight as tiredness overwhelmed him suddenly. By now the clock on his nightstand showed past 4am.

Jisungs blabbering felt like it was miles away, even though he was right beside him. And it got even more distant.

Then it was dark.

Minhos eyelids slowly closed, and then he forced them open again.

It indeed was dark, but not from what he thought, which was his eyes being closed. No, Jisung had turned off the light and was shuffling around in the room.

"What are you doing Sung?" Minho muttered, cheek pressed into his pillow.

More shuffling.


"Ah sorry Min, I thought you wanted to sleep so I turned off the lights and am changing now." It was clear that he was stumbling over his own feet from being drunk and stuck in the dark.

"Sungie, you could've changed with the light on." He so desperately tried to hide the smile.

"Where is the bed?? Oh god i'm going to fall."

Minho laughed out loud, then turned to where he knew his nightstand was to turn on a small light. Jisung was on the other side of the room, his bare back facing the bed.

"Turn around."

"Ahhhh, oops." Jisung laughed aswell, ears turning red a little as he finally laid down on the bed. He got under the covers aswell, them sharing a blanket as the spare ones they usually used were given to Chan and Changbin. Minho turned the light off again.

Luckily Minho had a king sized blanket to his king sized bed, so he was sure he didn't have to come in contact with Jisungs bare skin. As long as he stayed on the complete opposite side of the-

"Min? Where are you? Do I really stink or why are you almost hanging over the edge?" Jisung rather whispered, not aware if Minho had fallen back asleep or not.

Minho decided, for his own sanity, to stay quiet and let the other think he's already lost in dreams again.

"Goodnight Minnie." He felt his side of the blanket getting moved.

Jisung had just covered Minhos shoulder with it. Something about the small act made him feel so warm.

Needless to say Minho had a heart attack when he woke up.

As he opened his eyes he realized he had forgotten to close the blinds the night before, the light absolutely overwhelming.

Usually he managed to avoid shirtless sleepy Jisung because of closed blinds and his habit of waking up earlier. So he always either went out of the room to start making them breakfast or just didn't have to look at Jisung, as he was hidden in the darkness.

It wasn't like he didn't want to see Jisung.

But right now just proved him again why he did it.

Jisung was sleeping on his stomach, his side of the blanket long slipped down to his waist. And Minho had to look at the infuriatingly hot muscles rippling over his back and arms mocking him. Jisung hair was messy, but oh so fluffy Minho had to hold himself back from brushing through it.
He didn't allow himself to start with Jisungs cheeks, them being even puffier from mushing his face into the pillow.

He had to stop.

The thoughts were consuming him again.

And it didn't help that he apparently moved from the edge of his bed towards the middle in his sleep, so close to Jisung shivers went down his spine.

Minho tried to turn around really quietly, not wanting to wake the younger.

He had forgotten about the shared blanket, so used to having his own one.

The brush of skin against his leg startled him. He shrieked, moving away too fast, and he knew Jisung was now waking up from the way he grumbled.


Of course, no one had mercy.

He felt like his life was a joke at this point.
Especially when he tried to crawl away again, and Jisung reached for him, sluggishly laying an arm over his midriff. Keeping him where he was.

Maybe sleepy Jisung had mistaken him for a girl from a hookup? He probably didn't even remember that he was in Minhos bed because he was so horribly drunk last night.

Minho sighed, trying to peel the arm away. The thought stung, no matter how much he tried to get used to Jisungs dating life. His heart hurt once again, even though he tried so hard to shield it.

He just couldn't help it, oh what a fool he was.

For some reason Jisungs arm only got heavier, and then he realized it was because Jisung held him tighter.

"Jisungie, let me get up please." Minho spoke softly, not to startle Jisung.

"No, 5 more minutes."

"Sungie, no, let me go."

"No Minnie, please."

Minho froze. So Jisung knew it was him. Why was he still clinging to him?

And then it dawned him, Jisung was a touchy and affectionate person with his friends.

Just once again he had been consumed by overthinking and his hopeless romantic dreams.

Sometimes Jisung fell asleep cuddled into Felix, who also loved hugs more than anything. Or the amount of times Jisung had leaned on to Minho, resting on him wherever he could. The younger was the type to hold Changbins hand when he got scared, to hide himself behind Chan when something embarassing happened.

This was normal to him, it was just Minhos brain that was wrongly wired.

Jisung finally cracked his eyes open. Then he took his arm away to turn over and stretch, yawning way too loudly, just to annoy Minho a bit.

Minhos dick was also wrongly wired apparently, as he hardened lightly just from gazing over Jisungs body. Chest and abs so defined he wanted to-

Minho looked away.

I really need to get a grip.

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