Hide and Seek

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Where did he hide?

Minho tiptoed through the house, looking behind every door and into every closet.

Suddenly the house felt terribly empty. He knew Jisungs and his mother were talking in the livingroom, letting the two play together by themselves. But he was alone, searching for Jisung and not finding him. Slowly he felt a weird feeling settle in his stomach, the rooms were all dark, the evening breaking in and the sun going down.

Every second he felt as if he had heard something.

The fear crept up his body. His hand slid across the wall as he was walking into the darkest corner of all.

"BOOOOO!" Jisung screamed behind Minho, scaring him to death. Minho flinched and would've fell to the ground if it wasn't for Jisung grabbing him in the last second.

Minho glared at him.

Jisung had the time of his life, still giggling when he let Minho go. "You should've seen your face." He clutched his stomach, trying to stop himself from laughing as his muscles were starting to hurt.

He failed to notice Minho tearing up.

"You scared meeee." Minho pouted, staring down at his feet. He had already wanted to cry before Jisung scared him as he had felt so helpless. And that moment just was the trigger of his tears flowing down freely.

"Nooo Minnie I didn't want to make you cry, stop don't cry my mom will be mad at me when she finds out." He frantically wiped away the one tear that escaped from Minhos eye and pulled him into a bone crushing hug.

"It's your faulttttttt." Minho whined as he leaned his head on to Jisungs shoulder and took a deep breath, trying to relax his heart which was still jumping out of his chest.

"I knowwww i'm sorry Minnie i'm such a bad friend. I just wanted to scare you a little I didn't want to hurt you." Jisung now had a sad tone in his voice too and Minho saw the tears well up behind his dark brown eyes.

"Now don't cry too Jisungie you're such an idiot." Minho slapped his best friend and started chuckling lightly.

Jisung just pouted, which earned him another slap.

"JISUNG COME DOWN WE NEED TO GO HOME!" Jisungs mothers scream echoed through the house.

"BUT MOM I DON'T WANT TO GO YET I WANT TO STAY WITH MINNIE LONGER!" Jisung whined, arms still wrapped around Minhos torso.

"COME DOWN YOU TWO!" Minhos mom shouted too.

Jisung sighed, letting his arms drop. "I'm sorry min, I really don't want to go yet."

An idea crossed Minhos mind. "Maybe we can ask our moms if you can sleep over? But you have to ask, my mom will say yes for sure if you ask." He flashed Jisung a toothy grin.

"I'm scared to ask though."


Minho grabbed Jisungs arm and started pulling him down the stairs.

As soon as they were in sight of their mothers Minhos mother gasped. "Minho did you cry?" She bent down to wipe the dried tearstain away. "Minho what happened?"

"Jisungie scared me while playing hide and seek, but it's okay he hugged me after." Minho lips curled up into the sweetest smile.

"He better did, poor baby." She ruffled his hair while he pulled away with a disgusted face. "Mooom ewwww stop."

"Jisung we will leave now come on." Jisungs mother stepped in, laying her hand softly on to her sons shoulder.

"Mommy can I sleep over at Minnies? I don't want to leave him yet I still feel a bit bad." Jisung pouted as he held on to Minhos sleeve.

And Minho did his best to pull out the cutest puppy eyes he could that always won his mother over. "Yes mom please let Sungie stay."

"Is it fine with you?" She looked up from her son to the mother of Jisung.

"If you promise me to be nice and not stress Minhos mother out." Jisungs mother bent down, stretching her hand out to her son, her pinky to be exact.

Jisung quickly interlaced his pinky with his mothers. "Pinky promise."

"Well then I guess i'll come in the morning to pick him up." Jisungs mother smiled at Minhos mother, putting her jacket on to leave. "I'll see you tomorrow Jisungie, remember we have to visit grandma in the afternoon yeah, sleep enough today you two."

"Yes mom." Jisung whined, not liking the idea of leaving early because he had to visit his grandmother.

As soon as Jisungs mother left Minhos mother turned to the two of them. "So boys, do you want to watch a movie now? I can make you some popcorn."

"YES!" Both shouted in sync, giggling after.

And then they were sitting next to each other on the couch, leaning forward to get as close to the tv as gravity allowed them to. All while shoving popcorn into their mouths. Laughing together at every funny scene.

Minho wiping the tear that had escaped from his eyes away on Jisungs sleeve at a sad scene. Jisung reaching his arm out to pet his head in an attempt to comfort him.

Minhos mother came to check in on the boys when she knew the movie had ended.

Her lips curled into a fond smile.

Minho had curled himself up and leaned into Jisungs body, Jisungs arm around him with his hand still in his hair. Both were still sitting, probably had fallen asleep during the last minutes of the movie.

Jisung and Minho, age 7 and 9


Hope you liked this first chapter~

I'll post the first few chapters probably every two days and then we will see where it takes us:)

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