Dance class

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Minho had always loved dance more than anything.

He let himself get carried by the music.

Outside it was still raining, the dance studio had one wall that was windows from top to bottom. The drops on the glass, the sound of them hitting against it quietly in the background, barely noticable over the loud music. It gave a beautiful view to the greenery around as the studio was located at the edge of the city

The creeking of the floor as shoes slid over it.

Heavy breathing, quiet counts. Minho  could never get enough of it.

Today was the day he and a few other dancers were practicing the full dance, not only the single steps. And putting the routine together was the most satisfying part.

The song was rather rhytmic, r&b type of vibe with a lot of smooth body movement.

Minho was so immersed, hitting every beat with his body.

He didn't even look at Jisung sitting on the side of the room, he probably was on his phone anyways like always when he went with them. Which didn't happen too often, as Jisung preferred to stay home in his bed.

And Minho wouldn't be his bestfriend if he didn't understand the importance of quiet time.

The best days in Minhos opinion were the ones they spent in bed leaning on to each other watching some random animes or tiktoks on one of their phones.

Just enjoying each others presence without the need of too much action.

The song ended, and Minho tried to calm his breathing.

Beads of sweat rolled down the side of his face and his shirt clung to his chest.

He missed Jisung staring with his lips slightly parted.

He would've believed it was his imagination tricking him anyways.


Why am I feeling so hot out of nowhere??

In a cartoon Jisung would probably have question marks over his head.

He was just watching the dancers perform the whole song, eyes focused on Minho because of course THAT WAS HIS BESTFRIEND HE HAD TO HYPE HIM UP.

The choreography was really sexy he had to say, watching Minho bodyroll every few seconds.

He had always been Minhos biggest fan in dance. Minho had control over every move in a way he had never quite seen in another dancer. Maybe he was a bit biased aswell.

Hyunjin, who was sitting next to him also watching the group, had a completely different style of dance. Both were absolutely immersing. Hyunjin expressed a lot with his face, Minho solely with his body.

This time was different though, Jisungs mouth dried up at the last beat drop, staring at Minho dropping to the floor and pushing his hips up, running his hands up his body.

Hyunjin next to him clapped. "YESSS GOOO." He screamed.

Jisung swore he could literally feel his heart drop into his stomach as Minho continued with his eyes narrowed, only looking into the mirror.

His body shook from sudden shivers.

"You good Ji?" Hyunjin asked, leaning in way too closely.

"Yeah, just a bit cold in here no?"

"Cold? Are you okay? Are you getting sick?" Hyunjin immediately sat up straight, putting his hand on to Jisungs forehead.

"Who is getting sick?"

Now Minho crouched down to them, Jisung hadn't even noticed that the song was over.

"He said he is cold but look at his cheeks. He is so flushed." Hyunjin worriedly looked at him.

"Ah Jisungie, you shouldn't have come to me this lunch, you were so soaked from the rain." Minho stroked softly over his cheek. And Jisung did feel a bit drowsy, his head light and nose starting to run.


Minhos eyebrows furrowed as he looked at Jisung, the youngers eyes barely open anymore on the passenger seat.

Right when he noticed Jisung seriously not feeling well he had left class with Hyunjin and him, wanting to get Jisung home as soon as possible.

The trafficlight turned green again and Minho stepped on to the gas.

The rain didn't stop, it had only gotten heavier and heavier. Minho watched people run home with their umbrellas against the wind so they wouldn't turn. Some lost the fight, and he had to surpress a chuckle. He was just glad they were safe in the car.

But the wind picked up fast, and soon it was storming.

Minho even had to go around some fallen branches in the middle of the street, and he was praying they would make it home quickly.

Hyunjin was just staring out of the window, as both didn't want to disturb Jisung, who was more than half asleep but swore he was awake when he was asked. Then snored again two seconds later.

Finally they drove into the garage, and Minho tried to park Jisungs car in a way he wouldn't get scolded for when Jisung felt better. Jisung was very specific with his car.

"Hannie, can you stand up?" Minho gently pushed Jisungs hair out of his face, gasping from how hot his forehead was. Meanwhile Hyunjin opened the door of the passenger side from outside, and tried to pull Jisung out.

"Mhm, i'm fine." Jisung grumbled, shifting his entire weight on to Hyunjin. Hyunjin yelped out, trying to hold him up. Minho rushed to his side, taking one arm of Jisung over his shoulder. Just like that they helped Jisung up to their apartment.

"Oh Jisungie." Jisung crawled into his bed, Minho following to tuck him in.

"Min?" Jisung held on to Minhos hand as he tried to stand up from the bed.


"Can you mhmmm." He mumbled into the sheets.

"What?" Minho giggled.

"Can you maybe if you have time and want to-"

"Jisung, what do you want?" He rose his eyebrow.

"Can you play with my hair a bit please? It always makes me tired." Minho melted on the spot, not able to handle the sudden sweet confession. He knew Jisung liked when he brushed through his hair while they were watching movies, but because he felt him relax and not because he said anything.

"Then make some room for me." He sat down on the mattress, and Jisung laid his head into his lap.

Carefully he stroked through Jisungs hair. "Don't you want to take something for your fever?"

"Later, just 5 minutes Minnie." It didn't take more than a minute for Jisungs body to go limp, his lips parting as his breathing got slower.

Minho rolled his eyes. "Such an idiot. But you are so cute asleep, my Jisungie." He whispered to himself.

- Burning Desire - MinsungМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя