Drunk Dillema

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Minho managed to calm down, eventually. Seungmin and Felix had returned, both very obviously sweaty and dishevelled. He spotted them, both all heart eyes.

Minho pushed himself out of the crowd, in need for air. It was quite difficult, he was apologizing left and right for stepping on peoples feet. Outside he sat on the sidewalk, hair on his arms standing up from the cold.

His breath caused fog and he knew he could be lucky if he didn't get a cold. But at the same time, he didn't catch whatever flu Jisung had had. So it was pretty unrealistic to catch one now.

Unlocking his phone he read the new notifications:

2 new messages from Insomniac

Me n Bin are hom

Nneed to tell y tmew

Giggling at the obviously drunk Chan, he replied with a thumbs up and then continued to scroll.

You have one new email from AMAZON

Your Amazon.com order with the number...

3 new messages from momma

Minnie look at the new coffee machine I got!!


Are you and Jisungie doing well? Update me when you can, have a good night

The guilt crept up his neck, he hadn't texted his mom in quite a while, with Jisung being sick and work he had let it slip his mind. He shut the phone off again, resting his head on his knees that he drew close to his body to shield him from the cold.

"And then, can you believe it, he actually said i'm too dramatic." He knew exactly who it was, so he turned his head to see Hyunjin walking out with Jeongin, who lit a cigarette and held them out to Hyunjin aswell.

Minho scoffed. "Didn't know you smoked Yang Jeongin." Immediately both spotted him, coming over to sit next to him.

"I don't, just on parties." He shrugged, taking a short drag and exhaling the smoke into the cold air.

"What are you doing out here?" Hyunjin leaned down to rest his head on Minhos shoulder. And he didn't get pushed down for once. "You okay?"

The older rested his head on top of Hyunjins, sighing. "Just needed to calm down a little."

Jeongin chuckled. "Yeah after what y'all did in there, jeeez."

Hyunjins expression turned into something that clutched the insides of Minho tight together. Pity. It was a look full of empathy and understanding. And Minho hated it. Jeongin understood.


"Fuck you both." Even more he hated how he teared up.

"Minho, I know I don't know you for long, but I really mean it when I say you deserve love. Stop hiding." Jeongin took Minhos hand in his, gently stroking over the skin to calm the fire in Minhos mind.

And it really helped him feel better, the rough pads of Jeongins fingers soothing the ache in his heart even if just for a moment.

"What is going on here?"

Jisung stood in front of them, eyebrow raised, leaning to the side a little.

"It's cold." Hyunjin whined, kicking his feet out.

"Why are you out here anyways? Of course you're cold." But Jisungs speech wasn't slurred anymore, so Minho guessed he had sobered up a bit, especially with the cold air hitting him and probably creeping into the sides of his shirt, as he had cutouts that nearly reached his ribs.

"Just needed to get out for a moment, they found me here." Minho waved it off, getting up to his feet. "Why are you here?"

"Suddenly all of my friends are gone, so I thought i'd look for them." Jisung rolled his eyes.

Minho shrugged. "Usually you're long gone with some girl at this point."

"Would've been, but nobody quite caught my eye."

He hated Jisung.

Jeongin placed his hand on Minhos back, just a small gesture. In that second, it meant the world to Minho. Jisung glanced at them.

"Naur really if you continue that you might need to take me to the car aga-" The freckled boy got stopped by a finger pressing on to his lips. "Oh, hi." Felix grinned at them.

Now they all stood on the sidewalk together.

"I think i'll head home, is someone joining me?" Rummaging through the pocket of his jeans, Minho got the key to his car out.

"Already?" Felix curiously looked at him.

"I'm tired, it's way past my bedtime. I'm too old for parties." He grumbled.

"I thought Chan was the only grandpa. By the way, did they arrive home safely?" Seungmin asked.

"Yeah, Chan texted me." Minho nodded, then started heading to his car, not looking to see who was coming with him.

It ended up being Jisung and Jeongin, Jeongin explaining that the others would head back aswell but Jeongins place was closer to Minhos than Seungmin and Hyunjins and Jisungs.

Jisung sat on the passenger seat, leaning against the window. Jeongin in the back talking to Minho about work. How he loved all the flowers so much already and how he wanted to know about their meanings.

"Min is an expert with that, he knows like every flower." Jisung spoke.

His tone was off. The oldest noticed right away.

"I do quite like to talk through flowers, I think it's kinda sweet."

"Oh Minho that really is beautiful, you have to teach me all about it. You really have a hand for flowers its admirable."

"It's no big deal."

After they had dropped off Jeongin Minho tried to talk to Jisung, but only got short answers. He grew agitated, and before he started an argument he'd rather stay quiet.

He was too tired to fight with the boy he was in love with. So at home he slipped under the covers, fingers curled up in the soft fur of Soonie. Jisung soon joined him, scrolling quietly on his phone before putting it to the side.

That night Jisung fell asleep with his body turned away from Minho.

Minho felt so cold. He shivered, chills running down his back.

Technically, he was under the blanket in warm clothes.
So he knew the cold creeping under his skin was only from the blooming sadness that had slowly made its way through his whole body.

- Burning Desire - Minsungजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें