Lost Kitten

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"Sungie, I know its 3am and I was at yours today already but could you maybe open your door?" Minho almost whispered into his phone.

He had called the younger, thinking he wouldn't pick up.

But to his surprise he did, and immediately he had been startled with Jisungs raspy, sleepy voice.

While his knees felt a little weaker he still was shivering, standing outside of Jisungs apartment.

The temperatures had sunk really fast, it was freezing cold outside. The storm that went off the whole evening and night now had calmed down a little.

Then finally Minho was greeted by the sleepy Jisung opening the door for him, hair sticking out into every direction, old pyjama pants on. He hadn't even bothered to put on a shirt, Minho forced his eyes up.

"What is going on Min?" Jisung stepped to the side to let him in, directly closing the door again after. Goosebumps covered his skin as the cold air had hit him.

Minho didn't answer, he rushed into Jisungs room, motioning the other to follow him. "Don't want to wake up Hyunjin." He mumbled.

Slowly Minho unzipped the zipper of his jacket. "I went on a walk because I couldn't sleep. Then I heard some strange noises from a trashcan. Look what I found." While talking he had managed to take his jacket off, revealing a brown kitten pressed close to his chest.

"Aww Minnie." Jisung pouted in awe as he reached his hand out to gently brush over the kittens head.

"Someone left it in a cardboard box, there wasn't even food inside. Poor baby. Your apartment was closer so I thought I'd try. How come you were awake?" Minho asked while inspecting the small cat now in his hands, checking for visible injuries.

"I wasn't."

"Mhh?" Minho stared up at Jisung, who was still standing while he was sitting on Jisungs bed.

"I saved your contact so that when you call me it'll ring, no matter if my phone is on silent." Jisung answered with a small smile, still petting the cat.

"Really?" A blush spread over Minhos cheeks, luckily Jisung didn't see it as he was focused.

"Mhm." Jisung hummed as an answer, before gently scooping the kitten out of Minhos arms and pressing it close to his own bare chest.

Minho knew that Jisung meant it for him to be able to take off his shoes and change into more comfortable clothes, but for a moment he couldn't help but stare at Jisungs frame. The small waist and broad shoulders, muscular arms holding a sweet, small kitten. He felt that he had his mouth open and immediately closed it, shuffling away to do the things he intended to.

Jisungs whole recent obsession with working out was making Minhos life miserable. He had to tear his eyes away every time he saw the youngers arms.

Minho rummaged through Jisungs closet, grabbing a shirt from Jisung as he was wearing a hoodie and it had gotten really hot in Jisungs room out of nowhere.

He was already in sweats, so changing only took him a few seconds.

"Do you want to keep it?" Jisung asked, now snuggled up in the sheets with the small kitten laying down right next to him. He kept running his fingers through the soft fur.

"Yeah I think so, I have to see if Soonie and Doongie will get along with it." Minho plugged his phone into the spare charger Jisung had on his nightstand. It was his at this point.

Minho knew he'd spend the night anyways.

So he layed down too, joining Jisung in petting the kitten. Their fingers brushed, Minho resisted the urge to pull back to not feel the stupid sparks.

"Any name in mind already?" Jisung spoke lowly, the raspiness in his voice now returning as he was getting sleepier again.

"Something that matches Soonie and Doongie, but I don't know." Minho almost whispered by now.

"Maybe Dori? It sounds cute."



"It's perfect."

Jisung giggled at the stars in Minhos eyes from the name he proposed. "Do you quickly want to feed the kitty? Maybe i'll find some spare cat snacks from you in the kitchen."

"I had some in my pocket, I already fed it. Tomorrow morning i'll try with the right food when I get home." Minho answered.

"You're always prepared to meet cats, I can't with you, carrying around treats all of the time." Jisung laughed quietly, then turned a bit to his nightstand. "Alright with you if I turn off the light?"

Minho hummed, then snuggled more into the blanket, careful to give the kitten enough space. He knew he wouldn't turn a lot in his sleep, not when he had someone next to him, and especially not if he knew there was a small kitten in the bed too.

He still felt how Jisungs fingers were slowly gliding over the fur, brushing his own fingers every now and then.

"Never thought i'd have two kittens in my bed today."


"Small kitty, big kitty." Minho felt Jisungs hand move on the kitten first, and then on himself. Jisung pet him.

Jisung had just pet him.

Minho was stunned, he felt his cheeks burn. Not only his cheeks, he knew the blush was furiously spreading from his neck up to his ears. He didn't believe what he had just heard.

Then Jisung giggled, and shuffled a bit.

Minho stayed quiet, not exactly trusting his words right now. He was sure he'd stutter too much for Jisung to even understand him.

His heart was jumping out of his chest.

Soon after Minho heard Jisungs snores.

But of course Minho was still trying to calm his mind and body.

Jisung had called him kitten as a joke.

It wasn't that big of a deal.

Calm down Minho.

Finally he closed his eyes, desperatly seeking sleep now. To escape his mind, and to catch up on the lack of rest.

In the end, Minho fell asleep after what felt like an hour of overthinking, and he had never taken his hand away from the kitten, or Jisung.

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