The key to my heart

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"Minho, can you talk to me again?"

Fuck, why had he opened the door.

Minho internally banged his head against the wood, he had expected a package and hadn't thought when someone had rang his doorbell.

Jisung stood there, leather jacket over a hoodie as it was getting colder and colder every day. The wind swirling the orange brown leaves up from the ground on his porch.

He tried to close the door, wanted to recollect himself for a moment. But Jisungs foot blocked it.

"I know i've been a bit off. I just didn't feel too good after that party. Probably had the wrong alcohol and it messed with my head." Jisungs lips were turned into a frown as Minho fully opened the door again.

Minho shook his head and sighed. "Don't worry Sung. I should apologize, I ignored you for over a week."

He had to laugh as soon as the next words left Jisungs lips. "I mean yeah you should totally apologize but like, I can't say it like that can I."

"No really, I don't know, I guess I just needed some time for myself."


The lies ran down the drain, he hated lying. So after a deep breath, he confessed. "After how cold you were to me the night and also following morning. I was just so worried that I made you uncomfortable that I felt like it was best if we had some distance."

The realization sank into Jisung, and the moment was obvious with how his eyes widened. "Oh no, Minho no no no. I would've told you trust me. Everything was fine, I mean I told you to do that. Why would you worry about that??"

Again he shook his head and continued. "No no, I thought Jeongin was making a move on you, so I wanted to leave you two to talk."

"Yeah sure, you were really mean though."

"I didn't say a thing?"

"Yeah exactly, you fucking ignored me, as if that wasn't fucking rude as fuck. You have no idea how much that hurts coming from your bestfriend. Just a bunch of nothing, I texted you so much. NOTHING. I would've preferred it if you cursed me or whatever." Sudden rage overcame Minho.

"Minho, you know how I get with all that. When it's too much."

And then regret, Jisung was looking at his feet, escaping Minhos eyes.

Minho noticed, he saw the ripped off skin on Jisungs fingers, the slouched posture of the younger, the lack of sleep by the circles underneath his eyes.

Overwhelmed by so many emotions, anger, sadness, frustration and exhaustion, he stepped back. Without a word he turned to walk back into the apartment, only looking at Jisung when he didn't move.

With just a nod of his head Jisung came in, kicking his shoes off and throwing his jacket over the dresser in the hallway, and tapped into the living room. There he sat next to Minho.

They both stared at the tv that was turned off, quiet.

Suddenly Jisungs head was in Minhos lap.

"Can you play with my hair Min?" Barely a whisper.

Minhos shoulders fell, tension leaving him. In the end, it was just Jisung, his Jisung.

"Sure." He whispered back. Carding his fingers slowly through the brown strands, the youngers eyes fluttered close.

He had fallen asleep in barely 10 minutes, lips parted and small puffs escaping through them. Hands clutched on to Minhos shirt, knuckles almost turning white. As if he never wanted to let go.

It took 2 hours until the man snuggled into his legs started moving again, Minho himself had dozed off lightly with his neck falling on to the back of the couch.

Jisung finally opened his eyes, turning so he was looking up to Minho, bringing his hand up to stroke gently over his cheek. Minho blinked a few times, ensuring he was fully awake before meeting Jisungs gaze.

"I can't live without you Min. You know, this was I think the worst week of my life. Literally breakups were easier because I knew I always had you. But now? I never want to experience this feeling again." The words spilled over his lips.

"Oh god, the tears, they are coming." Minho looked up, trying to blink them away.

Their relationship was teasing with the occasional yeah, you're my comfort person, but that?

Jisung sat up immediately and pulled Minho into a hug. Their position awkward, both sitting straight but Jisungs upper body turned so he could wrap his arms around the older, face buried in his neck.

Minho felt the hot breath hit his skin, Jisung whispering.

"Please never leave me." And this time, it was Jisungs tears that stained his shirt.

They just sat there, holding each other, crying silently.

"Isn't that hilarious, we have a small fight and end up crying together on my couch." Minho laughed through the tears, causing the younger to join him. Finally he leaned back, wiping the stray drops away.

"I also didn't think i'd end up in this situation but oh well." More chuckles. "I guess you just mean too much to me."

"No more, stop it or i'll start sobbing and that's not going to be a pretty sight." Frantically Minho shook his head.

"You're pretty even when you cry."

And something in the way Jisung said it opened the lock of his poorly closed off heart. It started beating faster, dared to jump out of his chest. His brain scrambled to find something to say while trying not to let his feelings travel to the younger.

Jisung just looked at him, and if Minho wasn't mistaken or delusional, there was a certain fondness peeking through.

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