A Room Filled with Memories.

Depuis le début

"Yes, Miss. Everyone gets their parents room. It tradition."

I felt my heart sink.

"Everything in this room was my moms?"

"Yes, just as she left it. We have not moved nor changed anything in it."

Says Poppy.

I look around overwhelmed with happiness and sorrow. It was a bittersweet moment, I did not know how to respond to the emotions I am feeling. I have been in the hearts chamber, but that was meant for every heart not just my mom. But this room was different. It was like a part of her still filled the air and I haven't felt this close to her in a long time. Her essence lingered all over and I wanted to lay down and cry with joyful pain.

"Would you like us to give you a moment to adjust Miss Clarke?"

Asks Poppy.

"Yes, please."

I respond holding back tears.

I wait until they are both out of the room to finally let a tear drop. I force myself to fight back the rest of my tears, because I knew once I started I would never be able to stop. I look down at the nightstand next to her bed, there lied a book. I grab it and sit at the edge of the bed. She always told me she read this book before bed and that's why she read it to me everything. 'The Wizard of Oz' was her favorite and it eventually became mine. I press the book between my arms and chest, embarrassing it in a hug. I closed my eyes and I can hear her voice reading to me.



She reads as she acts out the wicked witch.

"Yeah, that's what you get! You wicked old witch!"

I yelled out.


I would always say that as if I did not know the ending already. I smile at that memory, those times were so simple and perfect. I set the book back where I found it. I turn to see a fancy room divider and hanging from it was a champagne silk robe. I remove the robe and I press to my nose. The essence of vanilla lavender flood my nose again and I bury my face into it....


"Mommy, I love your robe it's so smooth."

Says a six year old me after hugging my mom.

"That's because the fabric is silk."

"I love silk! I want one just like it!"

"Oh, you do, do you?"

"Yes! The same color and everything. So I can be just like you."

"Well, maybe one day you will."

She says smiling and poking the tip of my nose.


I press and robe against my lips trying not to breakdown. In so many ways my mom give me hints about things in my life that I never noticed until now. With shaking hands I place the robe back from where it hangs as if it was awaiting my arrival to wear it someday.

Besides the room divider is a vanity I run my fingertips across its cold porcelain surface, shockingly there isn't a pinch of dust. I sit in the Victorian white and gold leaf chair and sit down. I look in the mirror wondering how many times has my mom done this? Sit here and put her make on? Or bush her hair? I look down at the bush that sits unused in god knows how long. I look closely analyzing the brush, I can't believe my eyes. I noticed a strand of golden blond hair sticking out of the bristle. With one hand I pick the brush up and with the other and slowly pull it out from its tangled web...


I am brushing my mother's long golden her, it shines as the sunlight from the room window hits it. It's so pretty and different than my dark hair.

"Mommy, how come your hair is so pretty like gold and mine is so dark like night?"

"Because, I have hair like my mom and you have hair like your father."

I never heard mommy speak of daddy before, I don't know what to say.

"I wish I had hair like you?"

"Why? I love your raven hair. It's beautiful just like you."

"Was my dad beautiful too?"

"Yes, he was."

I hesitate to ask more questions mommy tends to get angry when I ask about my dad.

"Do I look like him too?"

"In many ways yes, and in others no. Let's just say you are a perfect mixture of both."

"When can I meet daddy?"

"Ava, we spoke about this."

"Can I at least know his name?"

"When you are old enough I will tell you everything you want to know about him, okay?"


I questions holding out my little pinky for a pinky promise.

She entwines her with mine.

"Cross my heart."


She never got to keep that promise and the thought sadness me. What if no one knows who he is not even him. I may never find out who my father is. And that's if he is even alive. Knowing my luck I am an orphan. Maybe, that's why it was a touchy subject for her. Maybe, talking about it made him being gone real? I look at myself in the mirror once again.

"Well, that is one thing I may never know."

I tell myself.

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