Chapter 39 -The Fake Book of Revelation-

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'Hmm? Where am I?'

Cale circulated his gaze around. Suddenly he was in a room that looked like an office. He felt familiar with this place.

Before long, he finally remembered what is this place. And when he knew, he feeling annoyed.

[Hello Cale.]

Cale turned around and found a man sitting casually on a chair.

"I'm having a nightmare, huh?" he said, looking at the man boring.

[Is that what you said after didn't see me all time?]

"Then? What do you want me to say?"

[Greeting me.]

"Hi, bastard."

[Could you be a little more polite?]

"This is my most courteous manner." Without asking the owner of the room, Cale immediately sat down on a chair that was nearby. His legs are crossed and her chin is supported by his right hand. He looked at the guy who was now sitting across from him, with the table as a divider, and said, "Quickly say what you have to say and get lost."

The God of Death let out a short sigh. [Just so you know. The reason I brought you here is because you didn't open my book.]

"To be honest I don't want to know."

Instead of being annoyed, the God of Death smiled. [Well, that's what you are.]

Cale chuckled when he saw that smile. "Have you found a way for me to return to my original world?"

The God of Death nodded briefly. [That's another reason I came to see you.]

"Then why don't you just say so? You're spouting a lot of nonsense."

[That's because..] The God of Death leaned forward, bringing his face closer to Cale's. [The main reason I met you is because I miss you.]

The God of Death continued to smile as he waited for Cale's response. Meanwhile, Cale remained silent and still had an boring face. The room was silent for a few moments.

[...Don't you have any intention of responding to what I'm saying?]

Cale pointed at his stoic face. "This is my response. But honestly, I really want to punch you in the face."

The God of Death chuckled. He leaned back against the head of the chair. His face looked up at the ceiling of the room. [You know, I didn't expect the White Star to act like that.]

Again the God of Death spoke nonsense. Cale ignored him and patiently listened.

[He changes. He looks much better than before.]

Cale agreed with his words. The White Star, no, Barrow now was different from Barrow, Cale used to know. The person who used to want to rule the world now seem to enjoy the world more. Barrow had no ambitions for great power. Barrow just lived the way he wanted to live.

[And all because of you.]

Cale could see the God of Death smiling gently at him. Then he just turned his face in other direction. He's too lazy to respond to the God of Death's ramblings.

[Don't you want to ask how the children are?]

Since then he wanted to ask. Then after seeing the God of Death's annoying face, he discouraged himself. But because the God of Death brought this up, he finally decided to ask, "Are they alright?"

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