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It was our last day in Paris before we get back home tomorrow, it was getting dark and for today we wanted to go out.

I wore an elegant dress, Tom also wore an elegant shirt with some nice pants.

,,You're ready?" he asked as he walked up next to me on the balcony, wrapping his arms around my waist.

I nodded with a smile as I looked at him.

,,You look beautiful" he said before placing a kiss on my forehead. We got back inside, he grabbed the keys and we walked down the hallway up to the elevator.

,,I can't believe I'm the lucky boy out of every other male in the world, to have you by my side" he said, his gaze on me. My cheeks heated and I chuckled at his words.

,,Thank you" I said leaning my head against his chest as the elevator went down.

The door opened and we walked outside.

,,I got a surprise for you" he whispered against my ear as he bend down.

,,Again?" I looked at him surprised and he nodded in response.

,,But we will get there with this" he pointed at the moped.

,,How cute" I smiled walking over to him. He put on a helmet and then put one over my head helping me closing it.

I couldn't see his smile but his eyes were narrowed so he was definitely smiling.

As we got on I wrapped my hands around his waist leaning my head against his back.

,,Hold on tight" he said as we drove off. It was dark outside, the street lamps were on and only a few people were outside.

We drove for a while before stopping at some pub, you could hear the music from outside.

He helped me taking off the helmet, I fixed my hair real quick before we went inside while he held my hand.

It was warm and foggy in there, everywhere people were dancing only inches away from each other.

We made our way towards the bar. ,,Two Lillet's please" Tom Said as he ordered the wine. As we waited he looked over to me with a smile.

,,Why are you always looking at me?!" I asked as I laughed, I just couldn't stay serious when he was looking at me.

,,Fuck you want me to do? You're too beautiful to not look at" He laughed back rubbing my knee.

,,Oh my god!! You know that song?" I said standing up starting dancing, he chuckled watching me.

,,Yes I do" he laughed.

,,Your love is perfection please point me in the right direction, I'ma give you all my affection!!" I sang along dancing, he spinned me around with a smile on his face.

,,I wonder, can we become love's persona? You'll always be the one that I wanna come home to, boy let me love you and show you how special you are!!" He sang along with me as we danced a little.

The bartender smiled at us while placing down the wine.

Tom payed as he thanked him and gave me a glass.

,,Thank you!" I yelled and continued dancing.

,,Come with me" he said leaning closer to my ear for me to understand. I looked at him confused.

He took my hand and guided me out of the crowd towards the staircase.

,,Where are we going?" I asked.

,,Trust me" he smiled and walked up the stairs, I followed him.

After walking up the stairs we completely chugged down our wines since we were thirsty from all the walking but we finally reached the top and in front of us, a grey metal door.

,,Close your eyes" he demanded, I closed them, but to assure himself that I'm really not peeking he placed himself behind me and held his hand over my eyes to cover them.

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