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,,Good morning" I heard Tom as he was placing kisses all over my face. I let him stay for the night, we had to talk about a lot, and it was clear that we really missed each other.

,,What's the time?" I asked as I looked at him.

,,10:34" he smiled admiring me.

I gave him a kiss and got up.

,,I have an interview today" I smiled at him.

,,Oh really? You're nervous?" he asked as he watched me get up, still laying on the bed.

,,Yes" I chuckled and opened the wardrobe.

,,Then I'll come with you" he said and I turned around facing him.

,,Really??!" I smiled and he nodded. I was happy because I finally had someone else than just Liam to talk to.

We both got ready and went outside since Liam was going to pick us up, I told him on the phone that Tom is going to come with us.

As we arrived we quickly went inside the studio, I only got my make up touched up a little since I already got ready at home. Tom held my hand most of the time, he knew that I was nervous and he wanted me to calm down a little.

,,You look beautiful" he admired me as I did a little spin.

,,Thank you" I smiled, my cheeks heating up.

,,3 Minutes then we're live" Liam said as he was waiting in the doorframe to pick me up.

I followed him through the hallway, Tom behind me still holding my hand.

,,Make me proud" Tom whispered placing a kiss on my head.

,,3...,2...,1..., go go go!" Liam demanded and I walked up on stage.

The applause was filling my ears and seeing all those smiles and fans holding little signs with my name on it even more fulfilled me.

I waved and smiled as I sat down facing the host. He first introduced himself to the crowd and camera streaming live.

Then I introduced myself with a smile, the host held my album and was advertising it by talking about it, what it includes and that it's going to drop soon.

Then he asked me questions about the album where I got my inspiration from and how I feel about everything going so fast. He also asked me question about my private life.

I think I handled all the questions very well. We finally said our goodbyes and I waved while walking off stage.

Directly getting hugged by Tom.

,,I'm so proud of you" he smiled letting go of me. ,,You did great!" Liam said standing besides me. I thanked both of them as the workers unplugged me from all the microphones and electrical stuff on me.

Back in the changing room Tom wrapped his arms around me as he faces the mirror, looking at me.

,,I got a surprise for you" he smiled.

,,What do you mean?" I asked, shocked of what he might've planned.

,,While you were on stage, I talked to Liam to give you some days off" he cut off turning me around, making me face him.

,,I also got some days off, and I want you to pack your stuff because in 2 hours we're leaving" he smiled.

,,What?! Leaving?! Where?!" I looked at him, my eyes widened and my mouth opened.

,,It's a surprise" he teased and laughed.

,,No!! Tell me Tom!! Cmon" I pouted begging him.

,,Well okay" he said giving me a kiss.
I waited patiently for him to continue his sentence.

,,I booked us a flight to Paris" he says. My jaw dropped.

,,You did what?!!" I asked in disbelief but with a big smile.

,,We are going to Paris" He opened his arms and I jumped on him, he spinned me around like a child.

,,Really? Thank you so much" I hugged him tight. I was so thankful.

Liam drove us over to my house and then to Tom's. Tom took a little longer than me packing his stuff, even tho I had more luggage than him but whatever.

All packed and ready Liam drove us to the airport, dropping us off.

,,Thank you so much!" I smiled at Liam which he returned. He waved at us before driving off.

Tom held my hand the entire time not letting go of it.

,,My hand is sweaty can we take a pause from holding hands" I frowned as we were waiting in the queue.

,,I'm not risking loosing you, you're little so I gotta keep an eye on you" he winked with a smile.

,,Little? You do know what's little right?" I laughed pointing at his abdomen.

He rolled his eyes, still holding my hand tho.

After all the security checks and checking in we were waiting, sitting on a bench.

My head was resting on his shoulder. He was constantly checking the tickets, passports and our suitcases.

,,Chill, everything's fine" I looked up to him, he's such a mom.

,,This is the pre-boarding announcement for flight 89B to Paris we will take of in 10 minutes, thank you" the voice coming out of the speaker said.

We got up walking to the gate, they checked our tickets and passports before we headed inside the plane, I'm not a fan of flying, the take off is the most terrifying thing.

,,Ladies and gentlemen, welcome onboard Flight 89B direction to Paris, we ask you, to please fasten your seatbelts at this time and secure all baggage underneath your seat or in the over head compartments. Also check that your seats and table trays are in the upright position for take-off. Please turn off all personal electronic devices, including laptops and cell phones" the lady said through a speaker.

,,I'm scared" I said as I looked over to Tom.

,,Don't be, I'm here okay?" he assured me and held my hand, putting his other hand also on top caressing it with his thumb.

Luckily I got an window seat which I looked out of.

The plane began rolling and we took off. Tom placed a kiss on my cheek and talked to me to keep me distracted.

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