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We haven't done much yesterday, we just stayed home and slept, but today we wanted to do something.

We took a shower and got dressed, we wanted to go out eat something.

,,What do you wanna eat?" he asked as we walked around with our hands intertwined.

Paparazzi's spotted us and where now following us around, taking pictures but we didn't mind. I still don't know what we were? He still hasn't asked me to be in a relationship.

We got inside a restaurant and sat at a cut off table so we had a little more privacy from all the paparazzi's following us.

I laid my head on his shoulder enjoying the little moments with him, like going out eating.

We ordered our food and waited, I ordered the same Pasta as Tom since I wasn't sure about what I wanted.

Two little girls came up to us.

,,O-Oh my- sorry for the interruption, but we are big fans! Could you sign this?" the right girl asked with a French accent which sounded adorable, her friend stood there in silence with widened eyes and a big smile on her face. She wanted us to sign her shirt.

She handed us a marker, Tom signed first. ,,You too?" he kindly smiled at the other girl, she nodded and he signed hers as well. It was my turn and I signed both of them with a little heart next to it.

We took a picture with them before they thanked us and walked away.

,,How adorable they're so little" I smiled at Tom.

,,You like children?" he asked as his smiled grew bigger. I nodded and he looked at me, his eyes saying more than words.

Our food arrived and we literally dived into it. I did my little dance while chewing and enjoying at which Tom laughed.

,,What? It tastes so good" I mumbled with food in my mouth, he just returned a smile and also started doing a little dance. I chuckled, he's so adorable.

,,Tomorrow's the last day" he pouted already, sad that we had to go back.

,,Well let's make the best out of it" I smiled. As we finished eating we went for a walk exploring Paris.

,,Excuse me real quick, wait here!" Tom said and disappeared running into a store. I curiously waited for him.

It took him some minutes before he ran towards me with a big smile on his face.

,,Close your eyes and give me your hand" he smiled waiting for me to close my eyes.

I did as he said and held out my hand.
Now I felt what he was doing.

,,Okay open!" he proudly said.

I opened my eyes and looked down on my wrist, a bracelet.

A decent silver bracelet with tiny stars.

I looked up to him with a soft smile.

,,Because you're my star" he smiled talking about the little stars on my bracelet.

,,Look I got the same, we're matching" he added as he held out his wrist to show me, I was shocked.

,,I love you" was everything I was able to say, he pulled me into a hug. I loved the little things he did for me, it showed me he really cared about my well being and seeing me happy.

,,I love you too, Y/n" he said as he placed a kiss on my head.

,,I'm protecting this with my life" I chuckled looking down on it, it was beautiful, because it's from him.

He happily took my hand in his as we continued walking down the street enjoying each other's presence, I love him with my whole heart.

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