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My eyes widened, I looked up to him in disbelief of what he just said. He, loved me?

,,Don't question it" he chuckled. I know he doesn't like talking about the way he feels or expressing feelings, that's why I was shocked about what he just said.

My mouth was open, my eyes focused on his, losing myself more by every second that passed.

He slowly leaned forward looking down to my lips. I closed my eyes as he pulled me into a kiss.

I never knew how much I missed and needed his touch. His lips softly pressed on mine, just a genuine kiss. His hand slowly making it's way up to hold my cheek, caressing it with his thumb.

He pulled back and looked at me.

,,You're so beautiful" he softly smiled as he pulled in for another kiss slowly pushing me backwards guiding me towards the couch.

I let myself fell down and looked up to him, his gaze down on me as he bend down to kiss me. I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled him closer, never breaking the kiss.

His hands all over me, it wasn't in a sexual way, it was like he couldn't get enough of me, appreciating every little thing on my body.

He pulled back breathing heavily. He laid his head down on my chest. I caressed his head and noticed his breathing slowed down.

I know he can be soft and genuine, not everything he thinks about is sex.

,,Wanna sleep here tonight?" I whispered placing a kiss on his head.

He nodded in respond and slowly got up offering me his hand, I took it as he pulled me up.

I flinched as he suddenly picked me up carrying me like a bride.

He was laughing, his nose scrunched, his teeth's visible and his eyes closed. God I loved seeing him smile like this.

I wrapped my arms around his neck for extra secure as he carried me into the bedroom slowly laying me down. He smiled at the view of me laying in front of him.

,,What?" I smiled at him, he just makes the corner of my mouth go upwards, I can't help it.

He shook his head and looked down with a smile taking off his pants.

,,Tell me!" I demanded again.

,,Nothing, you're just adorable" he chuckled and took off his shirt, revealing his toned abs.

He jumped on the bed hovering over me, his eyes deeply looking into mine and again I could see the sparkle in his beautiful brown eyes.

I admired his face, the mole on his cheek, his long lashes, his lips, the lip ring, just everything about him was perfect to me. Even if he doesn't see what I see in him, I just wish he could see himself through my eyes once, then he would understand.

He bend down placing a kiss on my forehead before laying down next to me. His arms wrapping around my waist, my back pressed against his chest and his warm breath streaking my neck.

,,I love you" was the last thing I heard before my eyes closed shut.

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