Chapter 25 - Heart-To-Heart

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As I entered the class there was a bag on my desk which Gemini immediately picked up and smiled. "Take this seat. I reserved it for you."

"That's my usual seat. And nobody likes to sit in front anyway." I said plainly.

Gemini gaped for a moment before smiling awkwardly. "Hahahaha... Silly me. Anyway. I still reserved it for you. Enjoy!" He said and fled out of the class.

"Enjoy?" I mumbled confused.


When I was in the cafeteria, Gemini stood in front of me cutting the line. I decided to ignore thinking he might be hungry. But what was weird was he was holding two plates. When he reached the ordering place, he turned to me. "What do you want to eat?"

"Huh? Pork?" I said partially confused.

He smiled, bowed and turned to the counter. "Two servings of Pork and rice please."

He then turned to me. "Let's go."

I walked with him to a table where he kept the two plates and smiled at me. "You eat; I will go get some soda."

"Why are you treating me?" I asked jumbled.

"Me? No!" He laughed again. "The p-pork is treating you."


"I'll get the soda. Bye." And he fled away again.


In library someone placed a stack of books on my table. I looked up to see Gemini sorting the books left and right.

"What is this?"

"Shh... We can't talk in library."

"But you are also talking."

"I am just answering. It's different." He snapped in whisper.

I shook my head and got back to my studies. He placed a book on top of mine.

I looked up again confused. "Now what?"

"This is all the material you will need."

I picked up the book and looked at it. It was about indigestion and stomach problems. I frowned in confusion.

"Tell me again why will I need to read this?"

"Have you not picked up the essay topic related to this?"

"Pfft" I couldn't hold back my laughter and laughed out loud making everyone turn and look at us.

"Shh.... Why are you laughing?" Gemini asked confused.

I calmed myself hardly and gestured him to lean closer. "My topic is nasal congestion and not fatal indigestion."

"Mark, you idiot!" Gemini mumbled while Fourth continued laughing.

"By the way, why are you trying to help me again?" I asked him in whisper.

"I... I... M-Mark. Mark has indigestion. I should go meet him and help him." Before I could say anything he again ran away.

"Help him? With his indigestion?" I laughed again which made the librarian glower at me.


Since the time we have come back from the trip, all I wanted was to be able to talk to Gemini properly. But what to do when he himself makes it so weird?

He is everywhere. He is even in the loo when I go there. And when I ask him or even just look at him he will give a weird excuse or run away.

What the hell is wrong with him?

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