Chapter 7 - Friendship

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The best time of the year is when your cousins show up to your place to stay with you for no damn reason.

As much as it is fun, there is a moment when you realize it is fucked up too. Because they are your cousins. And they notice everything... And I repeat... everything.

"Non..." Cindy called me holding the magazine from my rack. "You are still reading this?" she asked and chuckled. "Are you still just staring and not daring?" She asked.

I ran and pulled the magazine away from her. "How many times have I asked you not to touch my stuff?"

"Please... Since when has there been secrets between us?" Ben said looking through my phone lying on my bed.

"Since forever." I said jumping on bed, taking back my phone and kicking him down the bed. "Out of my room you two." I screamed.

"Ow. Hahaha." Ben rubbed his bum while still laughing at me. "Seriously Non. At least change your lock screen password if you want it to be a secret." He said and winked at me.

Yes, I am the same since forever. Predictable and boring. I have never dated and I am only looking at my favourite celebs in magazines. Because that's all the time I can afford to spend on these things.

Oh and I am a bi. I like Jamie Jordon as much as I like Margot Robbie. It's just that I am never inclining to make a choice to decide anything. I am fine with all. But dating? Nope. Sorry. Thank you.

"Out of my room, you two." I pushed Cindy out of the room by pushing her while Ben simply held her hand from behind and pulled her in.

"We are NOT going." He smiled. "What are you so annoyed for? I just checked that your hot boyfriend is coming to meet you in half an hour." Ben shrugged.

Cindy gaped at me and then at him. "HOT BOYFRIEND?" He asked.

"What nonsense are you spouting?" I said and opened my inbox to see Ohm's message.

I completely forgot I had asked him to come to my place for studies. When I told him, I did not know that my father will invite his sister's kids to live with us while my aunt and uncle were out for a business trip. Even if these two are in high school, they are more annoying than the basket gorilla team members.

"Look. I have a classmate coming over to whom I have to tutor." I said.

"And he is hot." Ben added. "I checked the profile picture." He shrugged with a smile. And Ben is gay and its Ohm we are talking about so...

"And he dates girls." Cindy added looking at his tagged pictures. Half of the university tags him just for the sake of having more number of likes. Of course he is famous amongst girls and there is no denying that too. But for kids these days to be this fast to get to someone's profile is nerve wrecking for me.

"GUYS!" I called them out a bit loudly. They stopped and turned to me. "Three things. One, he is NOT my boyfriend." I said staring at both of them.

"Two, he is not even my FRIEND."

Cindy and Ben raised their brows in surprise.

"And three. He is coming here to study because I am supposed to tutor him. So keeping these three points in mind, you guys..."

"Should try to hit on him." Cindy said.

"Yeah and if by chance he is into guys, I am sure I can make him happy too." Ben added.

"You know what? If you two didn't behave yourself today, I will actually kill you both with my bare hands." I glowered at them.

This time they both got my message and walked out of the room. But as much as I know them, I know it's going to be difficult. And with no elders at home, these idiots are on lose.

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