Chapter 8 - The Invite

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Ohm and I stared at each other intensely with sweat filled faces. I raised my eyebrow teasing Ohm when he smirked and took out his shirt throwing it away on the bench on side. This earned him whistles and whoops from Ben and Cindy who were in the audience for the rugby match between us.

"You are going to lose anyway. Why not just give up?" I asked looking at the score board that Nonnie was holding.

Nonnie is like a silent mole in our house. She is either tied up in her room in studies or she is partying outside with friends, there is no middle ground.

And she knows Ohm as much as I do, because she is my confidante. I can share everything with her. Even the stuff I am unable to share with Chimon.

She grinned looking down at the 7:2 score and grinned wide at me.

"Oh I don't like leaving things hanging in between." Ohm said fanning himself. To be honest, now even I am feeling hot, but I won't show it on my face. I can't tell him how he makes me feel intimidated by his looks.

I wasted the remaining thirty seconds of the time before Nonnie whistled signaling the end of match.

"BOO!!" Cindy and Ben booed at me while giving a thumbs up to Ohm to encourage him. He chuckled. Nonnie came running and hugged me climbing on top of me wrapping her legs around my waist.

"I knew it. You are unbeatable." She said cheering. I chuckled and rubbed her hair allowing her to finally get off.

"I hope now people know that I can ALSO talk sports." I taunted.

Ohm smirked. "Ok, I lose, you win. It was fun though. You have to agree." He asked with a smile.

I chuckled. "Yeah, as far as I win."

"Huh! Lame." Ohm muttered before wearing his tee again. "Let's all go have some ice cream. My treat." Ohm said turning to the bench.

"I scream..." Ben said.

"You scream..." Cindy added.

"We all scream..." Nonnie chimed in.

"For ice-cream!!!" The three of them whooped.

Ohm turned to me with a puzzled look on his face. "Don't ask." I said and walked to the other bench to pick up my bag.

We all walked out of the rugby field which is near my house where I come and play in my free time. Nonnie walked by my side while Cindy and Ben were busy hovering over Ohm who never seemed to get tired of them.

"He is a perfect boyfriend material." Nonnie poked.

"You like him?" I asked confused.

"Duh! I have a boyfriend already, you know that." She nudged me. "I was saying it for you. He seems to be a gentleman." She pointed at him when I saw him bringing ice creams for everyone on the table.

I eyed her knowing well what she meant from the first time.

"What? I know how you felt about him before he started getting on your nerves." She said and shrugged.

I gulped recalling the hazy memory of having a crush on the most charming boy in the class on the induction day.

It lasted for a week till the induction process went on, until he started getting on my nerves and I decided to never look at him.

It's partially the reason why I had a nervous breakdown after that announcement on basketball field.

And the reason why I decided to tutor him was again the same. I wanted him to stop trying to persuade me. It felt more like trying to hit on me than trying to befriend me.

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