Chapter 20 - The Trip

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Nanon dragged Chimon till they reached their usual area to chitchat in the self-study classroom.

Chimon tried to read Nanon's expression when he left his hand and sat climbing on the table.

"Are you upset with me?" Chimon braved to ask.

"Of course I am." Nanon said in a deadpan. "My best friend is distant from his boyfriend because of me. So of course I am." Nanon said now looking at Chimon.

Chimon took a moment to respond. "Of course you would say such a thing. In fact, only you could say such a thing." Chimon smirked. Nanon smiled.

"Chimon, why do you need to worry about the bet?" Nanon asked.

"I am not worrying about the bet. I am worrying about you."

"I am doing fine."

"Hardly!" Chimon snapped.

Nanon sighed loudly. "Ok let's say for argument sake; I am not fine. What has it got to do with you and Perth?"

"He was involved in that bet."

"He wasn't the one who bet against me. And did he not tell you how he opposed everything till the end?"

"You believe him?"

"I don't know. I don't know him enough. The question is, do you believe him?"

Nanon looked at Chimon with a look that said you-know-how-you-feel-in-your-heart.

Chimon gulped. "I am scared Non."

"Of what? That guy is head over heels for you."

"That's what I am scared about. I feel like I like him even more than he likes me." Chimon blurted hiding his face in his palms.

Nanon chuckled and wrapped a hand around his shoulder. "Dummy! Go tell him this. Don't let that Mon take away what belongs to this Mon."

Chimon looked up at Nanon and the two smiled. "You sure you are ok?" Chimon confirmed.

Nanon pulled back his hand and chuckled. "Apart from the fact that this dreaded trip is making me crazy thinking there won't be a way to avoid captain basket gorilla there, I am absolutely fine."

"So you are not fine."


They both chuckled and then Nanon leaned his head on Chimon's shoulder and Chimon leaned his head on Nanon's head. The two friends chit-chatted for a bit more about what else can be done on a trip to beach before walking back home.

--- --- --- --- ---

The three basketball players were thinking dully sitting on bleachers.

"How can I balance between my ex and my current who is also my ex at the moment?" Perth sighed.

Gemini looked at him and patted his shoulder sadly before saying. "And how can I balance between my ex and my never-ex whom I never want to become my ex?"

Ohm who was currently representing a depressed emoji looked at his two friends and pouted. "And how can I win over my ex who was never my ex but somehow is my ex now?"

"What the ex is going on here?" A familiar voice made them turn to look to the side.

"Jom?" Ohm jumped down the stairs and ran to his brother followed by his two friends. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to help my love-sick brother and his friends. But you guys are not enthusiastic at all." Jom shrugged. "I should better go back."

"Hey Bro, Don't go!" Perth and Gemini stopped his way running in front of him. While Ohm pulled his hand from behind. Jom smiled and shook his head.

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