Chapter 22 - Treasure Hunt

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"Okay so here is how it is!" Mark exclaimed. Nanon, Chimon and Fourth were looking at him blankly. Many people who got the partners like they wanted were happy. While Ohm, Perth and Gemini were dully looking at Mark giving him death glare.

"So Ohm bro... You and Chimon bro. Perth Sir and my dear friend Fourth. And Nanon bro with my stud Gem. I am with my eye candy... oops eye-cindy of course. And Boom Bro... Lol... Your name sounds funny." Mark chuckled idiotically. "Boom bro with Ms. Mon!" He exclaimed happy with his arrangements.

Chimon glowered at Ohm while Ohm gulped.

Perth pressed his lips and gestured Fourth to walk ahead. He nodded and walked leading the way.

Nanon turned to look at Gemini who kept bowing to him every time he turned to look at him. Nanon shook his head and rolled his eyes.

They all were given chits with hints that made all the pairs to search in different direction.

Ohm and Chimon had to cross a foot bridge.

Ohm turned to Chimon when he saw the bridge was shaking. "Do you want to hold my hand?" Ohm asked.

Chimon frowned in confusion but then it hit him. He chuckled. "Are you really afraid? Wow! Better even. I can push you from there."

Ohm rolled his eyes. "Who said I am afraid? I was worried for you."

"Ha Ha Ha. I am so touched I might cry out happy tears. Watch out!"

"What's there to watch out?" Ohm looked at him puzzled.

"Don't drown in my tears Pawat!" He stuck his tongue out and started walking.

Ohm grimaced but ran after him because he did not want to be on the shaky bridge alone. When the bridge started shaking, he held on Chimon's Shirt's rim.

"Someone said he wasn't afraid." Chimon smirked and kept walking.

"OHM PAWAT!" Someone screamed from across the shore and Ohm turned to see Perth glaring at him.

He immediately left Chimon's shirt. Chimon rolled his eyes and turned to Ohm. "Give me your hand." He extended his hand.

"What?" Ohm asked confused.

"Give me your hand now or I am pushing you down." He said and pulled Ohm's hand.

Perth almost fell on the ground. Fourth held him thinking he almost fainted.

"If you want to upset your boyfriend, shouldn't you use someone else? Why me?" Ohm asked annoyed but held Chimon's hand firmly because he was scared.

"I have learnt being a bigger ass from you guys. That bet taught me a lot." Chimon said in a deadpan.

Ohm pressed his lips guiltily. They reached the other side and Chimon left his hand. "What is the other clue?"

"Sorry." Ohm said.

"What kind of a clue is that?" Chimon asked confused.

"Chimon..." Ohm gulped. "I know we have never been on friendly terms or anything. But I do feel sad when my best friend's boyfriend and my crush's best friend is upset with me."

"Excuse me." Chimon folded his arms. "Why are you confessing about your crush to me?"

"I am not confessing. I will say it to the one whom I like. But what I am trying to say is... I know I am an asshole."

"Real one." Chimon nodded.

"But I have learnt my lesson." Ohm said. "And I wish to correct my mistakes."

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