Chapter 17 - Indifference

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"What?" Perth and Gemini said unanimously. Their voice echoed the basketball court and a few people even turned to look at us who were sitting on the bleachers and talking for the first time with each other after two whole days.

I nodded looking down but unable to stop smiling.

This feeling is weirdly nice. Like everything is going south. Nothing is in my favor and I know it's a long way when Nanon will even forgive me. But still just the feeling is enough to make me feel giddy.

"I love Nanon." I repeated for the Nth time. This statement I have been saying on repeat since the day before night. I am so stupid; I face palmed many a times.

I have made a mistake. But I will owe up to it. I will take every punishment; every punch he will throw on my face just to see that cute smile again on his face. The one he had when he used to look at me.

Before I could say anything a punch landed straight on my face making me fall on the ground.

"MORON!" Perth held me from my t-shirt and punched me again.

Gemini ran forward and held him back.

I looked at him puzzled while getting up from the ground.

"Fucking idiot!" He said. He looked so pissed that I was blank by his reaction.

"Perth?" I questioned taking a step towards him. I met Gemini's eyes and he shrugged letting me know that he too doesn't know why he is reacting this way.

"I thought, the worst was over." He said.


"Now you will not leave Nanon alone. That will piss Chimon more. I thought I will be able to win my boyfriend back. But no. YOU WILL NOT LET MY LOVE LIFE SUCEED. BLOODY ANNOYING - MOTH**FU**ING – INHUMAN BEING!!!" he screamed on my face boring his wide eyes in me.

I gulped and took a step back scratching my head. "Sorry?"

"GET LOST!" He said.

"Wait!" Gemini said in between. "Did you say Boyfriend bro?" He asked looking at Perth.

"YES YOU FUCKERS!" Perth was still screaming.

"He became my boyfriend for 2 hours. And then YOU happened." He pointed at me and sat back on the bleachers with an annoyed pout.

Gemini and I looked at each other and smiled before rushing to him from both the sides and holding his from his shoulder.

"What the fuck?" Perth said and looked at both of our grinning faces to both his sides.

Gemini and I looked at each other and pulled away immediately. That three people side hug was gross.

"Ummm bro... Congratulations!" Gemini said

"Really? Nonsense! I am doomed." He glared at Gemini. Gemini automatically shifted a foot farther from him. "Because of having you two around I am doomed. Why am I the only odd one out between the three of us?" He got up and shook his head keeping both his hands on his waist exhaling loudly. "But anyway. Now that you are in love, let's get started."

"What?" I got up confused.

"Win him back idiot! There is a long way to go. I hope you know that." He said and smiled briefly.

I grinned and immediately hugged him. "If someday I will kill someone, you will still hire a lawyer for me, I know."

"No. I'll call the police and submit evidences." He said and pushed me away. "I am doing this because I want to set something right after everything we have done."

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