Chapter 2 - Bullying the Bully

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Having no one at home when I wake up is a usual thing for me. Dad is regularly off to work early. As a traditional doctor, his work starts at 6 AM in the morning.

And my alarm goes off at 6 when I am welcomed by dad's note with the prepared breakfast on the kitchen table.

I am used to this. But I do think that life would have been different if I had a sibling. After mom died, I have become quieter than I was originally. Reason is also simple, there is no one around to talk to.

I got up, brushed my teeth, ironed my clothes and took a bath. I got ready and checked that it was exactly 7 AM. I went downstairs and straight to kitchen.

Dad's signature omelet and toast greeted me with a note on top saying 'Have a great day my son. Let's meet for dinner.'

I smiled and kept the note in my pocket and heated my breakfast while pouring milk for myself. Switched on the TV and had my breakfast while watching the morning news.

As I left the house, I met Nanon walking with his bicycle with him. If I had an elder brother, it would have been like him. He knows me since I was a kid. He never hovers. He and Chimon help me with my study whenever needed and they both give me the space I need even when I am with them.

Nanon walks with me daily to university. Sometimes I agree to ride behind him when I am tired. Otherwise he walks with me.

"Good morning" he greeted with a smile and started walking.

"Morning Non." I greeted with a brief smile and walked along.

"Signed up for group assignments?"

"It's not optional." I replied sadly.

He laughed and patted my head. "Good for you. You need to be forced to talk to people."

I looked at him pouting and he laughed harder. "Ok, so how are the teammates?"

"Talkative." I replied recalling Mark and Gemini's face.

He shook his head and smiled. "Decided on topic?"

I rolled my eyes.


"Please don't ask." I pleaded recalling the options being 'Advantages of sexual intercourse or natural ways to increase endorphins'

"Why?" He asked and stopped to turn and look at me.

I looked away and scratched my head.

Nanon seem to have taken a hint. "Ok, ok. Look. Whatever is the case. If it's a topic to be presented, you need to be elaborative."

Yeah right... I can't tell him how elaborative my teammates are being about it already with the mimes and sound effects on the contrary.

I somehow dodged it and reached my class. As usual it was noisy.

I bumped into the people unnecessarily running in and out the door. Like why can't you guys be civil and systematic. Why do you have to keep running everywhere?

I shook my head and reached my desk where I was met with a new shocker for a day. New day, new follower. This guy is always surrounded by people all the time.

The girl was practically falling over his shoulder while he was showing off his game video to her in his mobile. I don't mind you guys doing whatever the hell you want, but this is my goddamn seat.

I threw my bag beside her.

"Are you insane?" The girl almost barked at me. I looked at her dully.

"Hey... Good morning." Gemini smiled at me nonchalant and Mark waved at me from behind. Though the girl still did not move.

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