Chapter 16 - The Aftermath

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"Oh, you are home?" Nanon's mom asked him when he entered the door. He kept walking towards his room absent mindedly instead of answering or even looking at her.

"Nanon?" She called again but he did not listen and climbed upstairs towards his room dully.

"Did he forget something? It's not even 10 AM." His mom mumbled while arranging her bag for leaving.

She then climbed upstairs to find Nanon's room closed.


No answer.


"Nanon?" She called out.

But still no answer. Worried she tried opening the door. But couldn't open it. She rushed downstairs to grab her phone when her doorbell rang.

She rushed to open it only to find Chimon and Fourth on the doorstep.

"Chimon? Fourth? What are you two doing here so early? And why is Nanon back home?"

"He is home?" Chimon asked curiously.

"What's going on?" She asked now folding her arms and eyeing Chimon and Fourth suspiciously when they were not able to meet her eyes.

"Fourth you tell me." She asked to the guy she was sure will answer anything if asked by elders.

"Ummm Aunty..."

"We had a fight." Chimon answered immediately. "Nanon and I." He said and eyed Fourth.

"You two had a fight?" She finally left the door to let the kids in the house. "As much as it is unbelievable, I do want to know why is it like he is so lost in thoughts?"

"Aunty... umm... it's..." Chimon hesitated while Fourth decided to keep mum.

"Ok fine. It's between you. But whatever it is, you guys shouldn't be bunking classes at this moment." She said. "And I have never seen him like this. He is not even answering me. I am really worried."

"It's the first time we fought so it's difficult for both of us."

"And you are still here?" She asked Chimon still suspicious.

"I am here to apologize and make up. It was my fault."

She took a moment to think before her phone rang. She picked up containing herself. "Hello?... Yes, I am on the way... Yes I am running late by 5... Yes... Thank you."

She disconnected and got up. "Listen. I need to rush. But tell Nanon that I want him to call me as soon as he can or else I am coming back home after this appointment to meet him."

"Don't worry aunty. He will call you in some time." Chimon said.

"He is upstairs." She said and picked up her bag. She looked upstairs with concern once but she had to rush out urgently so she had to leave him be for now.

Chimon and Fourth exchanged a glance before rushing upstairs.

"Nanon..." Chimon called out.

"Non." Fourth added while they both knocked on the door.

"Open the door dammit."

"Non, please."

When finally the door opened, Chimon almost fell on Nanon because he was pushing himself against the door.

Nanon's face was wet, like he washed it right now. His eyes were not puffy or red or sad. They were just blank. Dull. Without any expression.

"What the hell?" Chimon said and held Nanon. "I have been trying to call you since ages."

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