Chapter 13 - This took a turn

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"I don't believe you." Perth shook his head while Gemini was just gaping at me with his half popcorn still in mouth.

"What's there not to believe. It was Angelina Jolie." I said wearing my clothes and shoving my sports tee in the locker.

"Bro... You did not like her." Gemini pointed finally chewing down.

"It was just a dream. And dreams can be anything unexpected." Like how my dream was. I cannot... in any sane/insane situation tell them about what I dreams of right?

When I texted Perth, I was half drunk because I was terrified by my own dream. I know I had a weird thought when I neared Nanon in that closed space of car that day.

But I absolutely don't think that way. He looked... good. And I am spending too much time around him. I need to do something about this bet soon. It's been too long anyway. And I haven't gotten Nanon into confidence. Not enough to talk to him about it all.

And on top of that, now these two idiots will keep bugging me. Because I am not convinced with my own tone right now.

"Hellos..." Mark entered the changing room.

"Why are his greetings as weird as him?" Perth asked Gemini. Gemini and i smirked while Mark looked at the three of us confused.

"Are you guys by any chance trying to corner me?" He asked.

Gemini got up and took the envelop from his hand. "Not interested." He said.

"Me too." Perth said.

"I don't know anybody who would be." I winked at Mark who pouted hearing us.

"FUCK!" Gemini threw the envelop on the ground screaming with frustration.

"Dude... I told you, you won't like it," Mark said.

Perth and I looked at each other confused. "What is it?" I asked.

"It's Mink and not Cindy." Mark shrugged and picked up the popcorn packet from the bench before munching some.

"Your chick?" Perth asked Gemini who slammed the locker door.

"I think I understand why..." I mumbled thinking how we all have observed Gemini in last few days. He is practically glued to Fourth in his time apart from basketball and classes.

"Don't..." Gemini turned to me with anger but immediately stopped when he saw my raised eyebrow. "You too... please don't start. I will deal with this myself." He stormed out stomping his foot.

"I so envy him." Perth said. Mark and I turned to look at him puzzled.

"He at least has love problems to deal with." Perth pouted.

I rolled my eyes and threw a basketball towards him which he dodged. It hit the popcorn packet.

Mark gaped at both of us. "Clean it before leaving, junior." Perth patted his shoulder. I smirked and high fived Perth before leaving the locker room.

"It wasn't Angelina Jolie right?" Perth asked again when we were headed to class.

I eyed him but ignored answering. As we entered the lobby, the scene around was usual.

Perth and I are used to the drooling gazes of people around us. The freshmen are the most excited since they are new.

As the time goes on, people get used to seeing us, but they still look at us like some celebrities of their university.

It's overwhelming and sometimes not acceptable as you cannot always feel at ease in such situations.

Our class is the worst. Partially the fault is ours. We hardly attend classes. If it were not for the rule of attendance and 50% scoring, I cannot be in this building at all.

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