Confession |Chapter 23

Start from the beginning


"Please! Trust me ONCE! Why are you scared to love me?"

Tae cupped his face with his warm veiny palms.

"Please.....I love you Jungkook....Don't hide your pain from me. Let me heal you. Let me love you. Let me know you!

I know that day, when you were drunk; you confessed your problems with me. But I think there is something more, that bothers you." Tae's voice made his heart beat sweetly.

"I......I am worried.......that I shall loose you too someday......cause every one, whom I loved....left me.

I hate myself for loving you, cause I know you can never be mine." Jungkook finally opened his mouth.

"I am all yours Jungkook. How can you think that?"

"Because I don't trust MR. JEON! Yes Taehyung!
He got us married for his profit, and he may also get us divorced for his profit!

He controls each and every thing! Our relationship is nothing more than a deal!" Jungkook started crying like a baby.

"Hey....don't cry.
And who told you that I shall leave if Mr. Jeon tries to separate us?
No power in this world can separate true lovers from each other.

You love me right?" Tae asked.

"Yes......I......I love you......I Love you a lot!" Jungkook replied in a painful voice.

"Than listen.
I would rather prefer to Die, but I shall never leave you! HEAR IT OUT PROPERLY!
I understand you. I know that you need love. And I shall always give it to you.

You know what? I had dreamed about a beautiful life for me. I had dreamed that my life partner would love me, share her feelings with me and live happily with me.
I thought I would get married to a girl, but There was something else written in my fate.
I was not happy with it at the beginning, and specially to be a partner of a boy like you! I had no idea about your feelings, personal life and experiences.
I thought you are just a cheap womaniser, a psyco type typical villain. But that day, when you brought your feelings out at the Han point of view for you changed immediately.
I felt so good to be with you. Since than, I loved to hug you, kiss you, feel you and talk to you. And I am not at all ashamed to love you!

I know you have your own reasons. And I have no problem with it now. That was your past......but this is your present. And I belong to your present. I LOVE YOU AND I SHALL NEVER LEAVE YOU! AND THAT IS FINAL!" Tae kissed his forehead and said.

"I love you too....." Jungkook wiped his tears and hugged him.

Few minutes spent just like this...

"Tae....promise shall never leave me. And specially never touch or see anyone else than me! It makes me feel so uneasy. I feel like My soul is being snitched up from my body!" Jungkook murmured.

"I can not live without you now. I love you upto the core of my heart."

"Thank you for loving me tae......" he looked at Tae without breaking hug.

They were lost in each other's eyes.

"What is this? You have lipstick on your shirt too!" Jungkook exclaimed with an angry face.

"Ohh.....I applied there too." Tae replied.

"Don't act smart.....I were interested in sleeping with someone else a few minutes ago. Forgot your husband?"

Mr. RED FLAG and Mr. COLOR BLIND || TaeKook FF✔Where stories live. Discover now