Chapter 161

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The missile "DF-5" was an intercontinental ballistic missile. It was mainly used to attack important strategic nuclear forces on enemy territory. So far, only the United States and Soviet Union had mastered this technology.

China was the third country to announce that it had mastered ICBM technology.

The official range of the "DF-5" was 12000 km. This distance was enough to pose a strong strategic threat to the United States.

The country originally planned to display the "DF-5" at the National Day Parade. However, before it was displayed, overseas news was published.

The news said that some eastern countries were bluffing and falsifying the data. They ridiculed those countries and said that this kind of behavior was ridiculous.

Although the news did not specify which country it was, nor did it mention the name of the "DF-5", from the recent international military plans and various trends, this article was targeted at China.

After the news came out, the embassy immediately translated the news into Chinese and sent it back to China. After the Ministry of National Security read the document, they immediately became suspicious.

The actual range of the "DF-5" was indeed not 12000 km and could not pose a strategic threat to the United States. However, due to the military tension in this era, the United States and Soviet Union were fighting for world supremacy, and the United States was on guard against and suppressing China. The country exaggerated the actual range data out of various considerations.

In fact, every country had done something like this before. However, before they knew the actual data of the other party, no country would openly ridicule them like this.

Normally, when the United States discovered that China had developed a missile that threatened their security, their first reaction would be worry or shock. Even if they raised doubts, they would beat around the bush.

However, now that they were openly ridiculing them, there was only one possibility -

The missile's data was leaked. There was a spy in the military system!

The country's leaders immediately issued orders to quickly find the spy and the person involved in the leak. They must eliminate all resistance!

When something like this happened, there would naturally be no uproar. There would also be no investigation with great fanfare. This was to avoid alerting the enemy and allowing the spy to prepare in advance to escape.

Everything was done in secret.

Tong Xuelu actually did not know about the leak, nor did she know that there was a spy. However, her qualification to attend the Spring Trade Fair was suddenly revoked.

The reason was that the quality of the medicinal wine was not up to standard.

Her first reaction was that it was impossible. She immediately went to the factory to check.

When the person in charge of the factory heard that there was a problem with the product, he was very worried, but he promised that everything was done according to the procedures.

The person in charge of the factory was Su Yueshen's friend. After working with him for a while, Tong Xuelu found him to be an honest, cautious, and reliable person. Tong Xuelu didn't want to guess that he would tamper with the medicinal wine.

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