Jiang Junli was Jiang Baihui's distant relative. In terms of seniority, he should be Jiang Baihui's cousin.

Tong Xuelu raised his eyebrows. "Oh? What did he do?"

Guo Chunyu said, "That day, a student came over and said that our braised food wasn't fresh. He had diarrhea after eating it and wanted us to apologize and compensate him in front of everyone. He also said that he was not allowed to open our shop again."

"At that time, I went out. There was only him and my silly brother in the shop. Weiping was so scared that he couldn't speak. Jiang Junli was the one who kept calm. He said that he wanted to send the student to the hospital for a check-up and then report it to the police. When the student heard that he wanted to go to the hospital and report it to the police, he was terrified."

Tong Xuelu asked, "Are you sure he's a student?" She suspected that someone saw that her shop was doing well and deliberately came to cause trouble.

As for the suspect, she thought of Qian Caixin.

Guo Chunyu shook his head. "When I came back, the student had already squeezed into the crowd and ran away. We were afraid that things would get out of hand, so we didn't chase after him. Manager Tong, did we do something wrong?"

Tong Xuelu comforted him. "It's okay. You did a good job. Don't be afraid when you encounter trouble. You don't have to reason with them. Just report it to the police."

Jiang Junli's calmness and steadiness in handling things was beyond her expectations. She would observe him in the future. If there were no problems, she could nurture him into a core member.

Guo Chunyu nodded. "Oh right, Manager Tong. The weather is getting colder every day. I'm afraid that our braised food business will drop."

Malatang was boiling hot. The colder the weather, the better the business. However, the braised food was frozen like a popsicle. No one would want to buy it.

Tong Xuelu praised him. "That's a good suggestion. When the weather gets colder, I have new dishes to offer. You don't have to worry."

When the time came, the braised food supply would decrease. They could start barbecuing. When the weather got colder, the business of other shops would also pick up. By then, more and more people would know that this street was selling delicacies.

Guo Chunyu looked at Tong Xuelu's confident expression and was full of admiration.

Sure enough, there was a huge gap between people. Although Manager Tong was young, she was very capable. Her cooking was top-notch and she was very experienced in dealing with people. She was also the top student in the city.

She could not be compared to her.

After leaving Braised Food House, Tong Xuelu went to the state-run hotel where Deng Hong worked. Deng Hong said that he had two chefs that he could introduce to her.

When she arrived at the state-run hotel, Jiang Danhong was also there.

"Don't you have classes today?" Tong Xuelu asked.

"I don't have classes today. I heard that you were hiring chefs, so I came to take a look."

Jiang Danhong said as she poured her a cup of winter melon skin tea.

"I'll just drink plain water."

Tong Xuelu knew that she had good intentions. If she was the only woman in a room full of men, there would be gossip if word got out.

Jiang Danhong asked curiously, "Don't you usually like to drink winter melon skin tea? Why aren't you drinking it today? "

Tong Xuelu looked down at her belly and said with a smile, "I'm pregnant."

The Green Tea's Crushing Victories in 70s Where stories live. Discover now