The Debate (The Foundation/Tala's 'fun')

Start from the beginning

Elizabeth: Huh? What is . . . No, not a sniper, we have guards on patrol . . . The custodes would have already dealt with them . . .

It was at that moment, she received a slight aching pain in one of her eyes.

Elizabeth: Ouch! Augh! Wait, that only happens when someone is watching me in the direction I'm facing? Thank the warp for recognizing me as an Heir . . . but these abilities are a bit painful.

Elizabeth then used her recently found Warp-abilities and energies to see things akin to some kinds of Daemons, being as precise as a hawk with the added ability of thermal vision, she saw a group of people in attire she didn't recognize.

Elizabeth: *Sighs* Hmm . . . Interesting. Ercaine! I saw a group outside and their not ours! Will you tell someone to check it out please?

The booming voice of Prefect Ercaine could be heard responding from the other side of the house.

Ercaine: A possible threat to our Emperor? Of course we will investigate!

Elsewhere, five minutes ago

3rd Person POV.

Twenty men in black formal attire can be seen, some having badges being a clear sign they are apart of FBI, with six having a different badge, not of sole Eagle Union Orgin, along with four of the Six being armored in SWAT-like combat gear.

Twenty men in black formal attire can be seen, some having badges being a clear sign they are apart of FBI, with six having a different badge, not of sole Eagle Union Orgin, along with four of the Six being armored in SWAT-like combat gear

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(The Insignia/Badge of the non-FBI people)(We all know what this is. Also, remember how Y/n owns the Black Library [gifted to him by Cegorach], and it also goes by the name 'The Wanderer's Library? Yeah, the Story of this Story is about to get REALLY confusing with all of the different factions and subplots, I'm starting to think this is Tzeench's doing . . . even though he's dead? I'll try and make it all as coherent as possible though with little explanations like this, and won't overwhelm readers, I'll start one, finish it, and it may resurface later is what I mean).

 even though he's dead? I'll try and make it all as coherent as possible though with little explanations like this, and won't overwhelm readers, I'll start one, finish it, and it may resurface later is what I mean)

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(Eagle-Union Foundation branch MTF unit.)(Non-see through Visors)

There, in addition to these more Unique personnel, is a single person in lab-like attire . . .

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