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"Alyssa Guildhall?"

"Who is that?"

"Probably a nurse,"

"I'm not going it's not doctor Leona,"

"She will be in the room, come on, I will go in first,"

Obliging, she walked behind me and we went into the exam room, her hand sweating as it held mine.

"Sorry for a wait, have a seat,"

"Do you have to take my arm?"

"Nobody is taking your arm," she said, "But we think we would like to do the surgery tomorrow morning instead. You've damaged it a bit more today, and it's not fair for you to be in so much pain!"


"It will hopefully mean most of your mobility is restored, if not all of it. It's actually the end of my shift, so the night team is gonna come and get you settled in your room,"

"Can't I sleep at home?"

"It's a pretty early surgery! We're gonna keep you here,"

"I would like to go home,"

"Why can't we?" I asked.

"You could, but if you're here we can give you anxiety medicine, and I would like to get a good idea of her vitals. It'll make the night after surgery easier too,"

"Alright, let's stay pumpkin, you don't like early mornings,"

Silent tears were streaming down her face and she wasn't responding to me, so I kissed her head and she just started to bawl her eyes out. They were the most desperate cries I had ever heard from her, and quite frankly, they shattered my heart.

"It's gonna be okay," I said, tearing up, "You're making me cry now look! You're gonna be okay, we'll get some decorations brought to us,"

"I'm not ready,"

"I know it's tough darling, but your body is ready to be fixed. It needs this surgery sooner rather than later,"

"Stupid fucking explosion,"

"Hopefully this is a big step towards healing," I said, holding her tightly, "But I am so, so sorry you have to go through this all. I really am, this isn't fair, but we have good doctors who are gonna make your shoulder better again,"

"I am grateful but I hope they all know I feel so scared that it makes me feel like I am going to die,"

"I think they can gather that," I said, smiling at her slightly which was surprisingly returned.

There was a knock at the door and a tall man got let in. He actually looked a little bit like Axel, with darker features and a more athletic build.

"This is Doctor Daniel. He's gonna look after you tonight and answer all your questions,"

"And give me medicine?"

"A bit,"

"Not too much please. After my first surgery they gave me so much I struggled to move or talk and I couldn't tell them it hurt," she said, getting all upset again, "Please not too much,"

"We will never give you too much. Your dad is a doctor too, he knows about medicines, and he wouldn't even let anyone if they tried, I know it," Dr Leona said, "Now, I need to go now, but I promise we will be better than your first surgery. Not only will we look after you amazingly, but we will make sure the surgery works,"

"My dad is staying,"

"Yeah, they will get him a bed set up,"

"I'm hungry,"

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