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"Oh! My wall is painted,"

"Do ya like it?"

"Yeah, thanks dad. You made her so happy,"

"It's what I do. What are you gonna wear?"

"I'm not sure,"

"Nothing too special incase you get paint on it,"

It had taken a while to decide, but after lunch Alyssa had asked to go pottery painting, so I rang a few places and found us a spot. I'd asked Axel, but he really wanted to spend his birthday at home and have the party tomorrow. After a tough week I didn't blame him.

"Dad I am ready to go,"

"Put your shoes on then,"

"Can I have medicine for my shoulder?"

"I'll bring it down,"

Giggling, she went downstairs, so I got her medicine and followed her down, getting her water to take it with. She took a tiny sip then poured the rest away, and went to the front door. I'd noticed it was rather hard to get Alyssa to drink water, I supposed some people just drank less, but it was a little thing that I wanted to encourage her to do because she didn't drink nearly enough. Now we were settled I was picking up on little things like that.

Axel was really picky about how much sauce went on his food, and he never shut his bedroom door fully, nor did he ever wear both his headphones in. Alyssa did not know how to fold clothes properly, and she always left her toothbrush on the side next to the pot instead of in the pot. They were small squirks that I actually grew to love- it made them, them. She still needed to drink water though.

By the time we were all in the car, we were a little rushed, but we made it on time. They were very excited to choose what to paint; Alyssa chose a plate and decided she was painting it for Sierra, Axel chose a mug, and I got two trinket trays to paint for both kids.

It was a really pleasant environment, and they both told me all about their sleepover which sounded like a lot of fun. It warmed my heart that they had found a group of people who were patient with them, and all genuinely seemed to like having each other around. I knew the families too, a little, so I knew they were good people.

When we were done, I did consider taking us to get ice cream, but Alyssa was so full of sugar already I feared she genuinely might start running round the house. Instead, I took them back home and we stuck a movie on, one of them sitting either side of me.

Then, I made Alyssa's requested meal which was nachos, and we ate it infront of another film (both of them rather excited to not eat at the table). We found a place for Alyssa's new things, then she got ready for bed, leaving her toothbrush on the side once again. I always put it in the pot for her, but I wasn't sure if she kept leaving it out as defiance for me putting it back in. If it was, it was harmless at least.

Axel slept in Alyssa's room since his was still muddled round from the paint, and I got downstairs switched for his birthday. I put all of the heart balloons in the kitchen for the party, and blew up some blue confetti ones for him. He had less presents since he was getting a games console, but it was still a good pile. I knew he would be grateful.

I ended up getting to bed around midnight, and I heard them giggling away, so I knew tonight would be a lot less anxiety filled than the last.

My alarm woke me up in the morning and I got up and showered, but back into my pyjamas for now. I had a balloon arch being delivered, and I needed to make the kids breakfast before, so I got straight to it. I went all out and cooked their favourite things, then woke them both up which they didn't seem happy about.

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