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Lunch was not peaceful.
But not in a bad way.

More in a turned-out-everyone-has-wanted-to-punch-Cooper kind of way and now Axel was considered the coolest person in the year, which meant I was too by twin default.

There were a good twenty people crammed round us at lunch, though I only had interest in June, Maria and Haz. Still, it was kinda cool. People wanted to talk to me. They didn't think I was weird, some of them even asked if I was okay.

This school was awesome.

And a lot of things may suck, but choosing to give Ashton a shot was the best decision ever. Friends, and a dad, and some family friends, and a really nice house and school.

"Any update on Axel?"

"No, I hope he's okay,"

"That was badass. You know all these girls are here because they are drooling over him," Maria said, watching a few of them run off.

"Gross. It wasn't something to drool over, he wasn't even thinking of the situation at hand, I could see it in his face,"

"What do you mean?"

"He probably thought Cooper was going to do something to me, he's punched people before," I sighed.

"Oh right... I hope he's okay then. Apparently he got suspended for a day,"

"I hope Ashton's not done anything to him,"

"Maybe he will get grounded?"

"I don't know. I haven't seen Ashton get mad yet,"

"I'm sure he'll be fine," Haz said, rubbing my shoulder, "I'll be your fake brother for now,"

"Thanks. Sorry we are like, kinda weird,"

"You're not weird,"


I looked round at everyone hovering and then looked down at my food, picking at it.

"Being the new kid is hard, but you've got us,"

"Yeah, I haven't been to school in ages, it's a lot to take in,"

"I can imagine. Want a ride in tomorrow since Axel isn't coming?" June asked, "My mum would get you,"

"I would like that... thank you,"

"No problem. We should probably get going to class now,"

"Let her finish eating,"

"I'm not hungry,"

Haz grabbed my bag and carried it for me to the next class, where we all sat down. They had me sit between them all, which was nice, because they helped me out. Plus, my geography teacher let me keep the overlay for the rest of the day so it helped.

Towards the end of the day, I got called to the office, so I packed my bags and followed the reception lady. I was a bit worried I was going to be in trouble for letting Axel punch someone, but the headteacher gave me a smile when I walked into his room.

"Nice to see you, have a seat. I thought I'd do a quick catch up before Ashton comes, I have heard it's been quite the day,"

"Am I in trouble?"

"Not that I know of,"

"Okay. Good,"

"Axel got suspended for a day, but he will be back and we will move on from it,"


"How was your day? I'm sorry June didn't meet you guys," he asked.

"It's a nice school. I like my new friends,"

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