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"Hey, sweetheart, wake up,"

Ashton touched my arm, and I knew it was Ashton, but I still screamed because when I was in hospital they woke me up a lot and it scared me. It made me panic.

"It's Ashton, you're okay,"

I would always be getting poked, or prodded, and scared.

"Don't cry, I'm sorry, don't cry darling,"

"You scared me,"

"I'm sorry. You need to wake up, though,"

"I'm tired and I'm injured. The doctors said I need sleep,"

"Okay, but we need to get your brother,"

My eyes shot open and I tried to sit up, but it was my bad arm- Ashton knew that, and immediately took all my weight to help me sit up without hurting myself.

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah," he said, helping me up, "I got his room ready,"

"Ashton are you serious?"

My vision was blurred from tears, and I bit my lip, choking on myself when he nodded.

"Right now?"


"Okay," I cried, "I need to get ready, I need socks on,"

"Here are some socks, just come in your pjs. It's still early, so we will get some breakfast once we picked him up,"

"Is he really coming? Is it definitely him?"

"I spoke to him on the phone,"

"I need my socks on,"

"Put them on then. Meet me downstairs yeah?"

He left, and I started putting my socks on, but my one good hand was shaking so hard that it took me a while.
I couldn't believe it. Ashton told me to be patient and I thought I was gonna be waiting weeks. He probably thought we would be waiting weeks.

Instead it was today. This morning. I got my brother back.

I rushed downstairs with my blanket, and slipped my shoes on, then waited by the front door bouncing up and down in my tiptoes.


"Yes. Let's go,"

"Get in the car then,"

"How long is the drive?"

"Only about twenty minutes,"

"For real?"

"For real, get your seatbelt on,"

"I can't,"

He helped me, then started to drive us, having to use the maps on his phone.

"He likes the drums so much, and animals, and he is good at talking to people,"


"He loves hugs, and he swears sometimes but, yeah, and he really hates loud noises, and he hates being cold,"

"Alright, I am sure I will continue to learn about you both over time,"

"He's my favourite person in the world. He's my person. We didn't have anyone else, we are each other's people, and being where we were really bonds you. He's my best friend,"

"You're both gonna be safe now, together,"

"I missed him so much,"

"Try and take big deep breaths until we get there otherwise you'll feel sick,"

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