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"Don't talk to me I'm trying to sleep,"

"I'm sorry for earlier... it didn't come out how I meant,"

"You said what you said,"

"And I am sorry,"

"It really hurt me. Feeling like this is terrible. I have to have a list on my whiteboard to remind me to do things most people just do. Sorry if I wasn't excited to go to school where I'm gonna be stupid, and surrounded by people who own 15 horses and 10 houses meanwhile we come from a fucking crack den and I need a reminder to brush my fucking teeth,"

"I am sorry, Ally,"

"Today sucked,"

"Ash is cooking homemade pizzas,"

"Of course he is. Of course he knows how to make pizza and does that for us,"

"I don't understand if you're mad or not,"

"I am mad about everything,


"Please just leave me alone,"

"No," he said, "You have been in bed all day, I'm staying with you, you said I would've helped you so now I am,"

"You're hurting me,"

"I'm sorry,"

"Everyone's hurting me today I just wanna be alone, I'll come down for food,"

"It's almost done,"

"You're hurting my shoulder with this hug,"

"Sorry. I keep messing up and I am sorry, I really am,"

"You're not messing up, I'm just messed up,"

"That's not true," he said, "We're doing our best. You're gonna come to school right? We can make some rich friends,"

"All you have to do is look at us and you can tell we aren't rich, or weren't,"

"Okay but we get a uniform, and we have nice clothes anyway. I'll cut your hair if you cut mine,"

"Ashton is gonna have to,"

"Only you know how, I'll keep my head still,"

"Fine. Deal. How did you know it was my hair?"

"It's always your hair,"

"And my teeth, and I can't do makeup,"

"You don't need makeup, and you're gonna look nice in the uniform. We will look fancy, I always wanted to look fancy,"

"It's just trousers and a top,"

"Yeah but it's a fancy shirt, Ash said we can get it tomorrow,"

"I'm not talking at school,"

"Why? I need you to talk to make us friends,"

"I'm just not,"

"Why don't you just ask Ashton to get your teeth whitened or something?"

"I can't ask for things,"

"Yes you can, I think he would say yes. Just give him puppy eyes,"

"For real?"

"Yeah, come down,"

I followed him downstairs and we found Ashton in the kitchen, slicing up loads of pizza; he smiled at us both, then got plates out for us. It smelt amazing- he was a good cook. Gabi had said Calum was the best cook out of them all, but I thought Ashton's food was really nice.

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