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"How are you doing?"

"This new phone is cool,"

"Yeah? We're um, Axel still wants to get ice cream. All of us,"

"Okay. I don't,"

"I think you two need to hug it out,"

"Did that sound like a hugging out argument?"

"He thinks so,"

"Who was in the wrong? Me?"

"I think both of you were rightfully feeling your emotions, he does like it here, and he loves you a lot. And, it is true that you were very brave to come here on your own and ask me for help finding your brother,"

"I was really scared when we were at hospital. I just kept asking for him, and for updates, and no one let me see him or told me about him, even though the stupid med student was meant to loads of times,"

"I know darling. You both care about each other a lot, that was just a silly argument because you're both scared, about all this change,"

"Will he talk to me?"

"He will. Go and see him,"

Quickly, I left my room and went into his, finding him putting a hoodie on; he turned round and scowled, but then his face softened and he wiped his eyes.

"I'm sorry,"

"I'm sorry too,"

"I am very grateful you came here, and found me," he said, "I'm just having a really hard time processing it all,"

"I love you,"

"I love you too. Thank you for getting us here,"

"Why doesn't this change feel good?" I mumbled.

"It feels good to me,"

"You sounded pretty mad,"

"We have a dad now. And a home. And our own beds, and I bet we even get a lift to school,"

"Yeah... maybe I just miss what felt normal,"

"I hope it feels normal soon," he mumbled, "I get it. Sorry I got pissed, I'm feeling really... I dunno. Ash treats us so well and I am really upset we didn't always have that, you know? It really fucked us up, we could've been happy our whole lives. I should've said something,"

"It's not your fault... we probably would've got split up like we did anyway,"

"That really sucked,"

"Yeah, no shit," I laughed, "Real bad. I didn't leave my room, when I came here my hair was matted, and Ashton had to convince me to let him help me sort it out,"

"Why was it matted?"

"Because I didn't leave my bed nevermind brush my hair and wash it properly,"

"Oh. I'm sorry,"


"It looks good now... shall we get ice cream?"


"Why are you starting to cry?"

"You would've stopped my hair getting matted, and made me go to school, and talk to people,"

"I didn't go to school either," he said, wiping my tears, "I didn't talk to anyone either. It was a really weird time for us both, I'm gonna pretend it never happened,"

"How? I have never ever felt so awful, I can't pretend that didn't happen,"

"I can,"

"Are you two ready?"

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