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"Ready to go?"

"Do I look okay?"

"You look great," Ashton said, "Axel! Come on!"

"Hang on,"

"We gotta go!"

"My shoe won't go on,"

Ashton passed me the car keys and went into the living room, so I got in the car and picked my seat, managing to buckle myself in. Not too long later, they both got in the car and Axel smiled, holding my hand.

He was very excited.

"Is the uniform ugly?"

"It's just a normal uniform,"

"But is it ugly?"

"I'm sure you will like it as much as the next uniform,"

"I'm not wearing PE shorts,"

"Alyssa, you don't have to wear stuff you don't want to wear. Promise,"

"Ash can we have music on?"

He put the radio on for Axel, so I watched out the window as we drove by. It was super busy, I guessed it was a Saturday, but it was kind of scary after not being in crowds so long.

Ashton took us to a multi-story carpark, and we convinced him to take us all the way to the top. I couldn't stop giggling, then Axel laughed more and I giggled more. The best part was Ashton didn't even seem mad.

We followed him to the uniform shop, then we picked stuff off the shelves for us to try on. Mine were too big so he went and got the size down, which fit fine. It was weird to see myself in smart clothes again, but I didn't totally hate them. They weren't very 'me' but they were comfortable enough.

Our total was very expensive, but Ashton just took the bags and walked with them without any concern about the price. Lucky for our cousins, our old uniform didn't have to be branded, and they would just have me wear a skirt until I got too tall and, told off too many times for the length. I hadn't seen anyone spend that much ever, or at least not on anything normal.

We put it all back in the car and then ate a sandwich each that Ashton had packed, before heading back downstairs and towards the cinema. It was full of bright lights and smelt of popcorn, which Ashton let us get a bucket of each. I felt a bit giddy, and Axel ran ahead with me down one of the corridors to our screen. Then we had to wait because we didn't understand how to get to our seats, but Ashton showed us to them and sat between us.

It was louder than I had expected, and the screen was huge. Now Ashton's tv seemed small, and I had thought it was pretty big. The colours looked better, or maybe I was making it up because I was so excited. Either way, I had a lot of fun.

And I felt treated.

"Thank you, Ashton,"

"You're welcome sweetheart! I really enjoyed us all spending some time together,"

"I really like living with you,"

"I love it," Axel said.

"Yeah? Me too. I say we get home and chill out for the evening,"

"Can Mike come over? I liked Mike," Axel asked, "And Calum,"

"Well, that depends how Alyssa feels about it,"

"Um, yeah, but I will leave if I want to,"

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