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"I look stupid,"

"I think you look rather smart," Ashton said, brushing my hair into a ponytail, "Is your bag packed?"


"Good. I've packed you some food, but there's money on your lunch account so see how you feel,"

"I feel sick,"

"You're gonna do great,"

He pulled out two front piece of my hair, which Axel hadn't managed to cut yet due to everything going on, then kissed my forehead and picked up my bag for me.

"Don't cry. You're gonna be okay, you're safe and you have Axel,"


"I think you will have fun,"

"That's a stretch,"

He smiled and held his fingers under my eyes to catch the tears, then wiped them away and kissed my forehead again.

"I look stupid,"

"No you don't,"

"I do. I look ugly,"

"One thing we don't do in this house is talk about ourselves like that. It's not good, ruins your brain,"

"No it doesn't,"

"Yes it does. You're beautiful, and although the uniform might not be your first choice, you look smart,"

"I don't wanna go to school,"

"I know sweetie, but you have to,"

"Can't you homeschool me?"

"You wouldn't want that,"

"I do," I sniffled.

"I can't homeschool you. Come on, now,"

"You're mad,"

"I'm not mad, but we need to go otherwise we will be late,"

He led me downstairs, and helped me put my shoes on, then we got in the car, Axel with me in the back. Even though he had been excited all week, I could tell he was nervous now too.

We held hands on the way, then he had to pull me out the car when we got there. Ashton took us inside, the place suddenly feeling way bigger and intimidating. And fancy. Too fancy.

They gave us our timetables, then the office lady took us to our first class. I thought we would get a tour guide but I guessed not, and instead we were thrown into geography class.

No uniform, no amount of makeup, or convincing from Ashton would make me think we didn't stick out like a sore thumb. Everyone had clear skin, fresh haircuts, fancy jewellery, white teeth, polished shoes, even fancy pens. They all looked rich.

And we looked like we had been shoved into a uniform that didn't quite fit us. That's how I felt.

"Shit. I was meant to meet you guys at reception wasn't I? I'm June,"

She reached her hand out and shook both of ours, beckoning us over to a table. We followed because what else was there to do?

"I told you guys to remind me!"


"This is Harold, and Maria,"

"Rich people names," I mumbled to Ax, though they heard.

"Your brother is called Axel,"

"Yeah you don't wanna know the story behind my name," he said, giving me a side eye, "Nice to meet you,"

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