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"I'm too dressed up,"

"No you're not, Luke is in a silk top,"

"Are you sure?"

"You look beautiful," Sierra said, "We have to get to the buffet before the guys take it all,"

"Okay, thank you for my makeup and all my presents,"

"You're welcome. Have you taken a polaroid yet?"

"I'm not sure how it works,"

"We'll set it up and take one infront of the balloons,"

"What ballons?"

"Your dad got a balloon arch, and he's put silver on the wall. It's cute,"

"I wanna see,"

"Let's go then,"

I sprayed perfume, then ran downstairs into the kitchen, halting when everyone turned to look at me.

"Buffet is out," Axel said, his cheeks stuff with food, "It's good,"

"You look really nice pumpkin,"

"You do!" Calum said, "I love your dress,"


"Yeah, you'll have to take photos,"

"We're gonna set the polaroid camera up," Sierra said, "But first we must eat,"

"I'm gonna wait until there's space,"

"We'll go to the living room,"

Everyone left besides dad, Axel and Sierra, then dad helped me get food. I didn't wanna eat with everyone, so I sat at the table.

"Ashton! I saved you a seat!" Gabi called.

He looked at Sierra, then me and sighed, putting his plate next to me.

"You can sit with everyone,"

"I'm not leaving you alone,"

"She hates me, just go and sit with her,"

"I thought you two were getting along?" he said, sitting next to me, "What's happened?"

"I dunno she just doesn't like me, she said I stole you,"

"She said that?"

"Well I wasn't meant to hear but Sierra had gone to the bathroom, and she called Maddox and was complaining how I got all your attention, and I stole you,"

"You didn't steal me from anyone, I'm sorry you heard that,"

"I know I'm not actually family but I didn't think having a dad meant stealing,"

"You are our family," Sierra said, "You're 100% our family, you haven't stolen anyone. You got yourself the best dad in the whole world and you deserve that. She's not the best at welcoming new people, it's not an excuse but I was accused of stealing her dad away for a long time,"

"She doesn't understand what it's like to actually get someone stolen from you. It really hurt my feelings, you're still there for her and you can contact each other. Me and Axel couldn't. I can't talk to my cousins anymore regardless of if i want to or not. I'm not like those social worker people am I?"

"No you're not. You didn't steal anyone, she shouldn't have said that,"

"I don't wanna ruin my makeup but I'm about to cry a lot,"

"Chin up, we'll worry later," he said, catching a tear before it fell, "Because you are our family and everyone has gathered to celebrate you and Axel!"

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