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"Well look at you go! Lots of ticks on that board this morning,"

"I washed my hair last night, and I did a face mask at 1am because I couldn't sleep,"

"Very nice. Why couldn't you sleep?"

"Dunno. You brushed my hair this morning and I brushed my teeth, then I sprayed perfume,"

"I can smell it. Want some help making your bed?"

"I like it better unmade,"


"Yes. If my room looks too perfect it doesn't feel lived in and it has to feel lived in otherwise I'll freak out," she said.

"Alright. That's fine. Your water bottle and a snack is in your bag, and so is the overlay just incase. I hope you have a super day,"

"Thanks, dad,"

"We have physio later, yeah?"

"Yeah. I think I will be okay,"

"I think so too, we will probably get some exercises to do and then not have to go back for a bit,"


There was a knock at the door, so we went downstairs and I said goodbye to her, watching her get in June's car. It was quite refreshing to see her confident, and it reassured me I was doing something right. She deserved to feel good about herself and have fun at school.

Axel still hadn't woken up, but I was letting him sleep. He'd gotten really upset last night before bed, again, and even though I did my best to calm him down I don't think he had slept until much later.

I had opened myself up to emails at work now the kids were at school, so I sat down and replied to some of them, Axel eventually coming downstairs. He saw me in the kitchen and paused, then turned back round and walked down the hall, looking round frantically.

"Axel, come here,"

"I'm sorry,"

"I know you are, bud. I still love you, you're my kid ay? Nothing's gonna change that,"

"A lot could change that. You could send me back,"

"I'm not sending you anywhere,"


"I promise," I said, wrapping him in my arms around him, "You're staying right here. What can I get you to eat?"

"I'll make cereal,"

"Sounds good. You wanna go on a run this morning?"

"For real?"

"Yeah. A slow and a short one, you're still meant to be resting, you can't do pe... but it'll get you feeling a bit better I think,"

"Thank you," he said, hugging me again, but much tighter, "Thank you, thank you, thank you,"

"You're welcome,"

"I wanna join a sports team when I'm allowed,"

"What do you think you'll do?"


"Very funny,"

"I'd like to do track,"

"Gabi did that! You'll have to ask her what it was like, although make sure she's in a good mood, she had to quit so it's touchy,"

"I'll probably not ask then,"

"It'll be good. Reckon Alyssa would join any?"

He snorted and shook his head, sitting at the table.

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