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"Can I come over?" Gabi asked.

"I've gotta go to a meeting sweetpea, I'll see you tomorrow at the party,"

"Can't you skip the meeting?"

"Unfortunately not,"

"But I want ice cream and my incision site is sore,"

"Don't go all doctor terms on me," I said, hearing Gabi giggle, "I will swing by on the way home and get you a scoop of ice cream, but it really will be a swing by,"

"Thank you. Love you,"


I ended the call and got my shoes on, then grabbed the keys and the bag of snacks for the kids. It was a nice drive to school, but even nicer when Alyssa met me by the office with a big smile.

As the school day went on her hair seemed to get messy, and her shirt untucked, and her sling got twisted- but she didn't care.

"Hey you,"

"I got a gold star on my work,"

"That's amazing!"

"I'm proud,"

"I am proud of you too,"

She plonked herself onto my lap and had me hold her upright until we got called in, telling me about her day. It sounded good, and it was a friday so everyone was in a good mood anyway.

"Dr Irwin, Alyssa, why don't you come in? How are you doing?"

"I got a gold star,"

"Wonderful news!"

"Are you kicking me out?"

"We are not," he reassured, "Have a seat,"

We sat beside each other and she took my hand, starting to breathe heavily. I passed her some water, but she didn't seem interested in that.

"Alyssa, you're not being kicked out, okay? This is just to explain the results from yesterday,"


"So, there is a fully written report for us that's going to help us with accommodations, and you can have a copy to take home. They said you do have dyslexia,"


"How are you feeling?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe a bit upset,"

"That's okay, take your time. I imagine you have been struggling for a long time so this probably has all sorts of emotions,"

"I have been," she said quietly, "I have been, Ashton,"

"Then I am glad you finally have some answers huh?"


"So, your accommodations can be tailored to you. Extensions on projects, your teachers can give you a copy of the slides,or write instructions out for you... we can get you some overlays or print on special paper... anything you can think of that will help,"

"Um, I don't know,"

"Well, lucky for you I have a checklist and you just tick off what you think would help, and you can write anything else. If it needs adjusting then we adjust, no big deal,"

"Thank you,"

"No problem. Sorry we sprung it on you yesterday, kiddo,"

I helped her with the checklist, then she handed it back, fiddling with the strap of her bag. I could see relief in her, but also anxiety, and that was no good.

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