"So tell me, why is it you stopped with the whole music thing?" Sean asked as he hit the purple ball up the looping tube, it falling short a couple feet from the hole. He sucked his teeth in frustration.

"Life just got in the way I guess." Kelsey answered as she jumped down onto the golf green, swinging the club in her hand. Hitting the ball gently it teetered on the edge of the hole before falling into it. "Yes!" She turned to look over her shoulder at Sean, sticking her tongue out at him.

"What does that make the score now?" She teased. Sean walked up to where his ball laid alone on the course, tucking the score sheet deep into his pocket.

"Nope, not telling. Two reasons; Firstly, You didn't fully answer my question and as this is technically supposed to be a date I would like to get to know you more." Sean said looking up at Kelsey, his eyes piercing hers. The corners crinkling as he stifled a laugh. "And secondly, there is absolutely no way I'm fuelling the fire of your ego."


Kelsey rolled her eyes, clicking her tongue as she turned away from Sean in attempt to hide the ever growing smile and blush that was covering her cheeks. The way he looked at her was addictive and she had to remain in control. Fight every urge in her body to get closer to him.

"Fine. Truthfully?" She avoided Seans eyes as she turned back to the course, taking her ball out of his outstretched hand.

"Well most well established relationships can't be built on a foundation of lies now." Sean joked, following behind Kelsey, keeping his eyes on the score sheet than the swaying hips that he kept being distracted by. Her laugh warmed his chest and his stomach felt as if he was at the very top of a roller coaster waiting for the drop.

"Well the truth is that life genuinely got in the way." Kelsey said, placing the ball down on the mat and staring down the red and white windmill that was spinning in front of her. "I had to pick up more shifts to get me through the final part of Uni. Plus, I lost all that spare time to practice playing for fun and only ever did it to pass my course and get my degree." She hit the ball, it flew straight and fast...into the chipped wooden beam of the windmill arm that blocked the entrance.

Sean scoffed, walking up to the mat. He gently paced his hand on the lower part of Kelsey's back, her body tensing in response to this surprise gesture. He applied a small amount of pressure as he dropped the ball to the floor.

"Excuse me." He spoke gently. Stunned, Kelsey stumbled slightly to the side, Sean's hand now gone from her back. She looked down now at the hand that was wrapped tightly around the golf club, her mind racing as her eyes traced the veins that stood out against the skin. How it would feel to have those hands trace the inner part of her thigh, to push up past the light fabric of her skirt and go further up and apply pressure just as he did moments ago.

"So you just lost passion?" Seans words cut through her fantasy like a sharp blade, shredding all thoughts of dirty entanglements to the ground beneath her.

"Yeah, I haven't felt passion in along time." Kelsey answered in a fluster, her mouth opening before she had a chance to process the words that flew out of it. Sean's hand slipped and careened his ball to the left, zig-zagging his ball across the first part of the course till it stopped beside the base of the windmill.

"For music!" Kelsey corrected herself, her cheeks burning. "I completely lost my passion for music." Her heart rate began to slow as she steadied her breathing. Sean's shoulders shook as he attempted to shield his laughter.

"Don't worry, Kels. I got what you meant." Sean got out between fits of laughs. Composing himself he turned back towards the flustered woman, her hand anxiously twisting the ring round and round on her finger. He caught her eye, the twisting slowed but her cheeks remained as red as her hair.

"However." He said as he moved aside for Kelsey to approach her ball. "I'll be happy to help you find that passion again." He wiggled his eyebrows laughing again.

"In music!" Kelsey said hiding her head in her hands, the laughs now rippling out of her mouth too. "It was a poor choice of words." She pleaded, whacking the ball with more force than needed. Spinning through the air Kelsey watched as it hit the centre of the windmill, bouncing off before rolling to a stop back at her feet.

"Would the great crazy golf champion like some help?"
"Oh shut up." Kelsey laughed.

"I'm being serious." Sean responded, his mocking grin now one of kindness. He placed his golf club down on the ground gently. "Let me help." He walked up behind Kelsey. His hand returning to the small of her back, her placed the other on her hip gently and pushed slightly so she was stood at an angle.

"Move your feet slightly further apart." His words felt like butter, Kelsey moved her feet to his instructions. "Good." He smiled, closing in the gap between them he reached around her waist to place his hands on top of hers, grasping the golf club with her he held her as if she was made of fine china.

"You'll get better control if you hold your club like this." He slowly push down on her lower hand, sliding it down along the metal. The smell of her hair surrounded him, he focused on the spinning arms of the windmill as he kept his breathes measured.

Kelsey could feel the warmth of his chest pressed against her back, his breathe brushing her ear with every word he whispered. She felt guilty for enjoying this far more than she knew she should. Her chest heaved with every intake of breathe, pushing her breasts up tight against the neckline of her dress. A view that Kelsey knew Sean would get an eyeful of if he were to look over her shoulder.

"Now we focus." Sean whispered in her ear, tightening his hands ever so slightly against Kelsey's. The windmill appeared to slow. He pulled back the club slightly and rocked back on his heels with Kelsey, their bodies moving as one.

The ball sailed smoothly across the sun bleached, fake grass. It continued through the entrance of the windmill and straight out the other side directly into the hole at the end.

"Perfect." Sean smiled as he released his hold on Kelsey, standing upright and resting his hand back on her lower back. He watched as her face glowed from joy, she appeared to be speechless. At that point Sean didn't know if he was talking about the shot or the beautiful women beside him.

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