Chapter Thirty-Four

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Chapter thirty-four

Days passed in a blur for Jaanvi and before she knew it, she was preparing for her last exam. Every paper went decent if not excellent but it wasn't the worst.

Ayaansh was back home but still under observation. Under observation of his mother. Srishti was not taking his health lightly at all and didn't allow him to go anywhere without assistance. She knew because now that Ayaansh was allowed to have a phone, though only for some time, he ranted and whined to her about how he didn't like Srishti stressing herself so much.

Apart from that, he called her everyday to ask her about how her exams went and if she needed any help to which Jaanvi would snort and tell him that he knew nothing about what she studied.

Her phone rang and she sighed seeing Ayaansh's name. "What is it?" She didn't bother with the greetings and went directly to the point.

"What a nice way of saying 'hi'." Ayaansh replied sarcastically and she rolled her eyes. She didn't want to sound like a complaining child but he was getting too cocky these days.

"Ayaansh, you have been calling me every day and saying the same thing albeit wasting my time. So, is it something important you have to say or I can go back to studying?" She was being sassy but she didn't feel weird about what he would think about her.

He grumbled something and she furrowed her brows, "What? I can't understand you."

"I said I want to take you out tomorrow after you are done with your exams." She went silent.

He wanted to take her out? With what equation? Were they even friends? Was he thinking about something else? They haven't talked about what happened at the hospital that day but she needs to tell him that she didn't appreciate him touching her like that. It's not like he was forgiven and the two were dating for him to kiss and hold her like that.

"Hello? Jaanvi? Are you there?" She was brought out of her thoughts when she heard Ayaansh calling her name repeatedly.

"Yes. Sorry. You were saying you wanted to take me somewhere." She repeated his words and heard him agree. "So, are you okay? To go out with me?" There was a hint of nervousness in his voice.

She didn't want to upset him especially when he was still recovering but she also didn't want to lead him on.

"This isn't a date, right?" She finally asked hesitantly and the line went silent. Jaanvi chewed her lower lip as she anticipated his reply.

After a few moments he just replied in a single word, "No."

She breathed out in relief and smiled, "Sure then. But are you sure you are allowed to go out and Tee won't mind?" She had to be sure because have a heart surgery wasn't a small thing.

"Don't worry about that. I am perfectly fine now and not to forget I am a grown ass man. I can take care of myself." He defended himself and she chuckled.

"Well okay, you grown grumpy man, let me know what time and where we are going so, I can dress accordingly." She turned the pages of her book, checking how much of the pages were left to study. There were still a lot. She cried internally.

"Just keep it casual, we aren't going anywhere fancy and I'll pick you up from your place at 6." She snorted as soon as he mentioned that. "No one is going to allow you to drive, Ayaansh."

"Fine, I'll get a driver. So annoying." He grunted and she laughed lightly as he hung up after that.

She just hoped the day went well because she really needed a good getaway.

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