Chapter Thirty-Three

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Chapter thirty-three

The first thing Jaanvi did after getting up the next morning, was go straight towards her parents' room. She knocked once, then twice and when there was no reply, she pushed the door and found it open. As she stepped inside, she found Aditya spread out on the bed like a starfish. Zevah was nowhere to be found so she assumed that either she didn't sleep in the room last night or she was in the bathroom. But as she checked the bathroom and found it empty, she knew it was the first option.

Jaanvi went towards the bed and sat on the edge. "Paa!" She shook him slightly and then scrunched her nose when the smell of alcohol hit her senses. She realised he was still in his last night clothes and didn't take a shower before sleeping.

She shook him harder, "Paa, wake up." Aditya groaned, rolling onto his left before she heard him wince.

"Fuck!" He cursed as he sat up and clutched his head which definitely must be exploding because of how drunk he was. Jaanvi sighed and let him take his time to take in his surroundings. Aditya moaned in pain as he felt like someone was hammering on his head and the constant throbbing made him want to go to sleep again. Only that now he couldn't go to sleep even if he tried to.

"Yeah yeah, take your time. I have all the time in the world." Jaanvi said sarcastically and Aditya glared at her. "What the hell happened?" He asked in a hoarse voice, feeling parched.

"You tell me, Paa. What happened to you?" She crossed her arms and gave him a pointed stare. She watched as he screwed his eyes shut in pain and felt a pinch in her heart, so she picked up the glass of lime water she brought with her and forwarded it to him.

Aditya wasted no time in gulping the water down his throat and felt a little bit relieved. The two of them sat there in silence before it all came rushing back to Aditya. He sat up straight and looked around, "Where is Zevah?" He was about to get up and search for her when Jaanvi held his hand, stopping him.

"Before looking for her, you need to take a shower and freshen up. Look at you Paa." She pointed out and Aditya bit his lower lip in worry. "I've never seen you like this. What's wrong?"

Aditya's head hung low in shame as his daughter pointed out his unusual behaviour. But then as he recalled her words, his head shot up, "You were there yesterday when I—" He trailed off and Jaanvi nodded. "I saw what happened. And I know you were drunk and didn't mean to hurt her, but she is hurt. You hurt Maa and it's worrying me seeing you like this." She gazed at him with a soft look and Aditya couldn't feel more guilty.

"I am sorry." He said too quietly and after a beat of silence Jaanvi replied in the same tone, "I am not the one you should be apologising to."

After Jaanvi left the room, Aditya ran a hand through his already messy hair and sighed in frustration. Why did he have to drink so much and be a douche last night? Why couldn't he control himself just because he has been losing deals in business? Granted they cost him millions but that nowhere certified him being the asshole he was the night before.

He quickly hopped in the shower and his muscles relaxed as the hot water poured over his body. Between the tension and worry over Ayaansh's health and the work piling up at his office, Aditya felt like he was being more than exhausted the past few weeks and being the man of the family, he didn't want to come off as weak.

He knew he had Zevah to rely on but she wasn't less tired because she had more to look after than him.

Last night, after his meeting with one of the investors had gone horribly wrong, he was pissed at everybody at the company and at himself. He went to grab a few drinks to forget about the shit that happened but then one drink turned to two and then three before he lost count. It was annoying enough that some random girl came up to him and suggested to relieve his stress despite him denying and then she kept touching him slyly and he lost his temper yelling at her to stay away. All he wanted to do was go home and hug his wife and sleep but that wasn't an option when Zevah was furious at him for being drunk.

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